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After the marriage everyone shared a drink which tasted unique but the high was amazing. Shivali was about to take another small pot of it when Kal held her hand "That's enough".

"Let go or I'll break this on your head" She warned.

Everyone widened their eyes at her audacity while he pulled the small pot away and handed it to another woman "Let's get you to bed".

Her expression turned naughty  "Ay....you naughty.....what are we going to do on the bed....".

Kal pursued his lips "Nothing! Let's go" and was about to drag away.

She pushed away from his hold "We should do something....we're married...shouldn't this be our first night....I wan...t first night..." and stood up on the tree branch yelling "I'm going to love you all night....".

The tribal people looked at each other confused at what she was singing but the first night part got them blushing and secretly smiling making Kal irritated and pulled her and lifted her up onto his shoulder making her scream in joy "You guys are standing in air....why are your heads on the ground...".

Kal pushed the door open and walked inside kicking the door shut behind him and threw her on the bed made with threads and covered her with an only blanket in the hut.

"Uhh...you're wild...." Shivali giggled and sat up on her elbows.

"Shut up and sleep" Kal ordered.

She pouted "Are you not going to undress..." and sat up "It's fine I'll undress if you're shy" and unpinned her saree.

Kal held her wrists stopping her but her saree pallu fell off her torso revealing her blouse making him sigh "Stop it or you are going to face my anger".

She giggled "Let's have angry sex then! I heard it is wild and in...tense" and pushed him down then straddled him making him fall on his back with her hovering over him.

She traced his lips with her finger tips "Do you know how much your lips disturbed me..." and pressed her lips against his kissing him with unpracticed movements.

He held her hair and pushed her away from his lips "You better stop this or you're going to regret everything in the morning".

She shook her head like a kid "No I won't!" and tried to kiss him but he held her away from him.

"Shivali..." Hearing her name from his mouth her face turned red with a shy smile.

"Awwww.....my name on your lips is like honey....imagine how it would come out when you're inside me..." Her words made him narrow his eyes.

"Shut up" Kal tried silencing her.

She continued her thoughts "Imagine how it would feel when I scratch your back and bite your shoulder because I couldn't handle the intensity of your wild thrusts...." and scratched his chest from the open button area.

He held her wrists letting go of her hair giving her easy way to bend and bite his neck making him close his eyes as she whispered "Imagine my lips all over your body sucking and leaving marks to show off that you belong to me".

"Do you even know what you're doing...." Kal asked.

She struggled against his hold making him release her hand and she moved her palm from his neck down his torso and towards his pants whispering in his ear "Imagine my lips wrapped around your c-" .

Kal held her wrist and turned her on her back pinning her hand on her side startling her. He looked into her eyes which were shining and also seemed unfocused because of the drink she had "I'm your husband right?"

Shivali nodded like a kid making him continue "Then will you listen to me?" which made her nod "Good! Now it's not right time to make love..." making her pout.

"No.....I want to feel your body....." She started crying like a kid.

Kal sighed and released her wrists making her sit up and tore the saree off making Kal widen his eyes to stop her but she stood up and moved away from him wobbly walking towards the corner of the hut taking off her blouse "Let's make love.....".

Kal sighed when he saw her clothes under the saree "Alright! You want to feel my body right come here" and extended his arms on his sides.

She narrowed her eyes before cautiously walking towards him and hugged him tightly making him take a step back due to the impact but he held her and walked to the single bed and laid her on her back

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She narrowed her eyes before cautiously walking towards him and hugged him tightly making him take a step back due to the impact but he held her and walked to the single bed and laid her on her back.

He covered her in a blanket and tried to move away but she held his collar and pulled him onto her "No cheating" and rounded her arms around his neck hugging him closing her eyes.

After some time Kal sighed slowly and pushed her arms away to get up but the thali he tied around her neck stuck into his shirt button pulling him close making his gaze fall on the thali and then at her. He pushed her hair strand away from her forehead and tried to get away the thali that stuck to him and gave up sighing and sleeping on his side beside her making her turn on her side and snuggled into him which made the thali stuck onto his button come off but their enemies to spouse bond attched together.

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