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Kal frowned in his sleep before blinking his eyes open to see it was already morning and sat up holding his head which was throbbing. He looked around and didn't find Shivali making him throw his coat away and got dressed into pants "Shivali....Shivali.....".

He rushed out and saw everything was fine and there were no signs of struggle making him walk back into the hut going through his clothes and then he saw something written on the mud with a stick.

'You've done your work...let me do mine'

"The hell I will let you" Kal threw the lantern away in anger and got dressed properly before rushing out to track her.

Shivali stood before the huge gathering happening in the middle of the forest. She saw so many people gathered and chanting something and suddenly they parted facing her which startled her.

One of them came forward and bent on his knee touching the back of her hand to his forehead "All hail the princess of the demons".

Everyone fell on their knees bowing to her as Samael stood in the middle grinning at her "My little princess has come back for me...for us...come Haya...".

The demon left her hand making her take a deep breath and walk towards Samael who was a definition of handsomeness. He smiled and hugged her whispering "Your decision was right princess. Welcome back to your home".

Shivali pulled back "Why are you calling me Haya?"

Samael held her hands "You'll know everything once you remember our past. Follow me Haya" and dragged her towards another opening in the forest.

There in the dense forest was a palace completely in green and obsidian color making her look at Samael who smiled at her "I know it seemed familiar princess after all we used to live here once until that Bhairava came into our lives".

Shivali narrowed her eyes not understanding who Samael was talking about making Samael smirk "Right! I forgot, now he's called Kal. The one who vowed to kill you if you cross any line".

Shivali widened her eyes "Kal killed Haya.....that's not was his ancestor".

Samael scoffed "Is that what he told you....Bhairava was cursed to live a lone life for eternity by you because he betrayed who left everything for him".

Shivali thought back to the times whenever she spoke of Haya before him and how his expression changes, how his voice changes making her tear up gulping trying to control the raising sob
looking at Samael "What about you? Haven't I betrayed you?"

Samael nodded "You did! But I would never harm you because you were betrayed by the love of your life and I'm not an idiot who wouldn't take his sister's side".

"Sister?" Shivali questioned.

Samael stopped "Yes princess! Let's go remind you of everything" making her look at a holy pond.

"This is...." Shivali trailed off.

"The sacred pond's replica....we can manipulate it however we want. Get into it princess" Samael directed her towards the pond making her take her shoes off and went inside sitting in it.

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