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Shivali blinked her eyes open only to see red not the anger red but everything in red color. She looked at her hands to see them in red too that's when she noticed the cuffs on her hands making her confused and irritated that the cuffs are burning her.

She tugged at them in frustration but soon looked up when she heard Kal "It's useless! They won't come off you".

"I'm not trying to escape but I really want to know why the hell am I here?" Shivali blinked her eyes to get away from the redness.

"Your eyes and veins are the answer" Kal's words made her look at her veins too and they seem to appear in darker red.

"You are saying that I'm locked up because my veins have changed color?" She questioned.

"Samael came here to save you from the blood magic and offered us blood which your father fed to you and then your demon side came out" Kal explained.

"So my father and Samael did this to me" She huffed.

"No" She frowned when he continued "A normal human dies if they are fed demon blood and Rudhiras die and reborn as daanavas if they were fed demon's blood".

"I don't get it! I didn't die instead I see everything in red. What does that makes me?" She questioned.

Kal smirked taking his sword "Turns out you're a demon".

Shivali looked at him for a few seconds "My father is a Rudhira! And his descendants are also Rudhira and we are descendants of god himself so how the hell can I be a demon?"

"You're right! What about your mother then? She was adopted but what are her roots? Who has she descended from?" Kal questioned back making her quiet.

"B..but God's blood and demon's blood are not compatible. I've read that in one of the books in Rudhira's sanctuary" Shivali argued.

"True! And yet here you are a very pure blooded demon just like Samael. I thought he needed you for opening the paatalam doors but now that you turned out to be a hybrid the best way is to kill you" Saying Kal pressed the dagger against her throat.

She just looked at him without blinking "Go ahead and do it! I know you're going to celebrate my death".

"Any last words?" Kal whispered.

"I wish for you to rot in emptiness without love for what you guys did to innocents like Haya" She gritted out.

"Don't bring Haya into this" He pressed the cool metal which drew blood on the side of her neck.

She smirked at him "Why? Do you think you are going to do the same thing as your ancestor?"

"You're not Haya and I'm not in love with you" He stated the fact.

"I never said I was Haya and love from a person like you is a poison to me" She stated.

"Good! Because you're a poison yourself and your death is going to be judged by the Rudhiras today" He got up and walked towards the prison door.

"Run away! That is what you're capable of doing. Hiding what you truly are even when something wrong is going on" Shivali yelled at him as he shut the door behind him and walked away.

"You've done enough hiding your daughter. Now leave it to me" Veera took the dagger out which kills the demons and started walking towards the dungeon.

"Veera..listen to me" Amar tried stopping him but he just walked to the dungeon "Don't repeat the mistake our ancestors did".

Veera stopped at the prison door "You've got it wrong! I'm not repeating the mistake. I'm stopping everything to prevent any mistakes from happening by killing her" and unlocked the door.

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