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Shivali felt light and then heard voices, angry voices making her frown in her sleep before blinking her eyes open to see Sammy, Ammu and Vidhaar sitting around her. She sat up with Vidhaar helping her while Sammy arranged pillows against the headboard so she could lean back comfortably.

"What's going on?" She mumbled as she heard voices from outside the room.

"The elders of Rudhiras gathered" Vidhaar replied.

"Elders? I thought Rudhiras has only a chief" Shivali looked at Vidhaar.

Vidhaar nodded "Yes! But even the chief makes decisions after consulting the elders for important things".

"So what important thing bought them here?" Shivali questioned. She didn't know why she was feeling restless as if something was wrong.

"They are here to punish Kal" Ammu revealed truth.

"What? Why would they punish him?" Shivali looked at the trio.

"Because he broke the primary rule to never go into the pool" Vidhaar reminded them.

"But...he jumped into the pool to save me"  She sat up straight.

"Yes! Which was least expected from him" Vidhaar frowned "But anyway he did break the rule".

"Rules are meant to be broken!" Shivali got down from the bed feeling dizzy but she shook her head before walking out following the voices.

She saw the Rudhiras looking at her as she walked to the court room to see five chairs in an arc with older men sitting on them on a stage and Kal standing in the center of the room. The elders looked at her as she walked towards Kal and stood beside him.

"How are you feeling your highness?" One of the elders asked.

"I was fine until this demon and Rudhira crap bought me here" Shivali replied honestly.

Everyone was shocked at the way she was talking to the elders. They are not just old and experienced Rudhiras but were also highly respected amongst everyone holding high power in the society.

"Although you're Ichor I would really recommend if you show some respect to us Rudhiras" Another elder spoke with a hint of warning.

She smiled smugly "You lost respect when you made your own warrior stand in this court as a prisoner".

"He broke the rules so.." Another elder started but was cut off by Shivali "For me! He broke the rules to save me so don't you think you should punish me instead?"

Kal looked to his left with a little frown "I don't need you to take my side go back girl".

Shivali looked at Kal "I didn't need you to save me either! So shut the fuck up while I save your butt" before facing the elders.

"If he really wanted to save you then he could have found an other way like using his powers but instead he used the easiest way which would wash away his sins and make him a pure soul" Another elder commented.

Shivali laughed "So this is all about him turning pure leaving you all to go to hell" which made elders turn serious.

Veera stepped forward "Shivali..you can't disresp....".

Shivali glared at Veera "What kind of a father let his son get punished just because he saved a life?"

Hearing her question Veera remained quite looking at Kal with an unreadable expression while Shivali continued "Unless you have something that could save your son I suggest you don't talk".

"Just because your blood is godly don't think we will not do anything to you your highness! This has been the way we've been for thousands of years and we'll continue to be for thousand more" The one closer to the middle one spoke.

"Isn't that reason we're here having this argument because you didn't change your old ways? If what Kal had done is wrong then I must say what you people are doing is wrong too sitting their in the shadows while people like Kal do your dirty works" Shivali accused them.

"It's our calling" Another elder shouted in anger at her accusations.

"The calling was to protect God's bloodline not punish one of your own" Shivali too shouted back which made everyone take a step back except for Kal.

The elder in the middle stood up "That's enough!" making the other elders look at him "What her highness said is right! We can't deviate from our calling for trivial matters" and stepped down from the dias and walked towards the two of them "But Kal broke the rules and he must be punished for that so I'm demoting him to be the bodyguard for her highness" before walking away.

"What the fuck?" Shivali turned around to talk to the elder out of it but she felt a hold on her hand making her turn back to look into menacing dark obsidian eyes which were red with hatred as if to kill her making her gulp.

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