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The doors shut down as Kal walked in the direction of the main door to get out of the Rudhira hideout making him stop with Shivali in his arms. He walked toward the main hall and entered into the gathering place before walking towards the wall where the Suryavanshi siblings walked out here on their first day.

"The keys?" Shivali reminded him but he just walked to the door and pushed it open making her conclude that he already had a plan and was following it.

He kicked the door shut behind them as the passageway led them to the three openings. Instead of going straight he took a left turn leading them to another place.

After a few seconds they saw a door and Kal hurried towards it making her look at the key hole to see the key in it and twisted it making it open and both of them walked out of the passageway as the door shut itself behind them.

He placed her on the couch and walked towards the desk and took some papers and bag wearing it. It looked like an adult was wearing a kid's school bag. He put on a jacket and walked to her handing her the hoodie for her to wear.

She was about to stand up but he lifted her up in his arms and walked to another opening of the book shelf after clicking something on his laptop.

The doors to the place broke down and the Rudhiras walked in some of them going to check the surroundings while others looked at the desks and shelves for another secret door but couldn't find any.

Vidhaar checked the laptop and sighed as Veera walked to him "Have you found anything?"

Vidhaar shook his head "There's nothing the data is completely wiped out".

Veera narrowed his eyes at him "You are not protecting your best friend are you?"

"My oath is of more importance than my best friend" Vidhaar stated seriously.

Veera looked at him for a few seconds before walking away ordering "Bring the building plans from the sanctuary and check for other doors".

The walk went for miles and hours but Kal didn't complain just walking towards somewhere. Right now they didn't have a destination all she can say for sure is that somehow her words affected him and he was helping her.

But that doesn't mean she can trust him completely because they hated each other to core and that is for sure. She sighed when he stopped and put her down on her feet  "Change into this".

She frowned "Why?"

"Do you want to get the hell away from your death or not?" Kal questioned.

She sighed and took off her hoodie and turned her back to him unbuttoning her shirt while he turned away from her to change and after changing both of them faced each other.

"Is this attire necessary?" She questioned looking at the white short dress she's wearing covering the knife cut on her neck with her hair as he unlocked the door and walked out into the public space making her follow.

It was a telefone booth. She was confused as to who was using telefone booths now a days but silently followed him towards a man who greeted them "Hello sir! Hello madam".

"Is everything ready?" Kal asked.

"Yes sir! Please follow me" Saying the man walked towards the port where a cruise ship was waiting already.

"We are going somewhere?" She asked.

Kal paused and hooked her arm in his smiling "Yes Of course dear! We're going to India for our honeymoon".

Her jaw dropped "Honeymoon?"

He held her chin "Yes! Honeymoon sweetheart. I'm sure you are surprised but come on we can discuss the matter once we're in our room" and showed the ship security their tickets and the marriage certificate then passports before following another ship boy towards the ship VIP rooms.

He put his hand on her back and directed her to the cruise bedroom handing over a few notes to the boy before shutting the door behind them and turned around to see Shivali glaring at him with her arms folded.

"Sweetheart? Honeymoon? What the hell was that?" Shivali questioned.

"Disguise" He took off the jacket and threw it on the couch sitting down.

She scoffed taking off her sandals and threw them away "They saw our faces! What kind of a disguise is this?"

"Bribing kind of disguise! My people will start searching at every mode of transport for us hence the ship" He laid down on the sofa.

"And how are you so sure that they'll not come here?" She tied her hair back in a messy bun.

"They will but they wouldn't find us because they'll think that we're disguising as workers instead we're VIP clients but then again they know me too well so they'd search the VIP section but  they think they are smarter so finally they will go back to the workers section and check it out" Kal put out his theory.

Shivali narrowed her eyes "And what if they checked both sections?"

He opened his eyes sitting up "I haven't thought about it".

There was a knock on the door making them look at the door then each other and she whispered "And you think you're smarter".

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