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In the beginning even before the earth took form of life there were only three gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma was the creater or generator, Vishnu was the operator and Shiva was the destroyer. Hence GOD.

Brahma from his conscious mind had given life to 'Nine Manasaputras'. One of the nine was Rishi Marichi. Marichi's son was Kashyapa Maharshi who married thirteen daughters of Daksha Prajapati who was the ruler of the human race.

Those thirteen wives had birthed different kind of life forms. From his wife Aditi came Devas (Demi gods), from Danu came Danavas (Demons), from Kadru came Nagas(Snakes) and from Vinata came Garuda and Aruna.

Although other wives birthed different kinds of beings the main were the devas and danavas/asuras who were always against each other. Nagas and Garuda has been enemies since the birth.

By the end of treta yuga all the danavas were casted to paathal and were locked away. But there are still people who called themselves as danavas who are still trying to unlock the gates of paatal to free their ancestors.

But there's always good to stop evil. To stop danavas there was a secret society called Rudhiras was formed who searched and eliminated the danava bloodlines through eons working in shadows.

And from the responsibility came hatred and from hatred came blood bath. Among all these stuck our Shivali and her family. Only time can tell whether she is an ally to the Rudhiras or danavas.

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