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Shivali's wings disappeared including the trishul as she turned to Kal with tears rolling down her cheeks while caressing his chest which had no wound but blood stain making him whisper "It's gone....".

She looked at him and rounded her arms hugging him tightly making him round his arms around her waist breathing in her scent hugging her back while she asked "How....".

She pulled back in question "I stopped Bhairava from killing Haya".

"You time travelled..." Amar walked to them.

Kal nodded while Veera rushed to his son and hugged him "I don't care what you did since you are alive".

"I'm fine dad..." Kal pulled back and hugged Kinnu.

"You made us so worried you idiot..." Kinnu pulled back "But...if Bhairava didn't kill Haya the timeline would've changed... wouldn't it...".

"It did change....I'm alive and most importantly I am not cursed anymore...." Kal said.

"But... Haya was your soulmate...." Vidhaar was confused.

"No...she was born to rule the demons not live a life with a she went back to paatal and died with Bhairava after living a long life" Kal explained.

"But if it did happen like that then Bhairava was not cursed and you wouldn't be born...." Amar looked at Kal.

"Well the curse Haya put on me was to live a life again and again where I lose all my loved ones...but..." Kal turned to Shivali and held her hand "Turns out gods wanted to give a twist to that curse by making the Shivamsha my soulmate I am...".

"So...when you were Bhairava... you fell in love with Haya because Shivamsha was not born.... that's why the odds always separated you and Haya in many you end up with Shivali in the end..." Veera looked between Shivali and Kal.

"And they did end up together in the most impossible way..." Kinnu shook her head remembering how they used to quarrel.

Shivali squeezed Kal's hand and looked at her father "Thank you...." making Amar shake his head.

"I should be the one apologizing" Amar teared up.

"I met mom..." At Shivali's words Amar came close to her "She explained why you killed me.... I'm sorry... I misunderstood you naanna" and hugged Amar.

Amar kissed the side of Shivali's head "I am sorry for leaving you all alone".

Shivali pulled back looking at Vidhaar "Where are Sammy and Ammu?"

"We hid them... at least one of us must be alive to take our oath forward" Vidhaar replied making her sigh.

Kal hooked her arm in his arm "I'll have to take you somewhere" and walked away.

Veera was about to follow them but Amar stopped him "Where are you going....".

"He said he has to go somewhere..." Veera replied.

Amar rolled his eyes "You are really becoming old...they are leave them alone and get back to bringing all the Rudhiras together for a meeting".

For a second everyone forgot that Kal and Shivali were married because of this Samael and the ending of the world but now they understood why Kal who would never allow himself to get close to anyone decided to fight for Shivali because no matter what no one can ever escape what's written in their fate and will meet the one destined for them.

Shivali stopped making him turn around confused but soon slipped nearly falling but stopped himself when Shivali literally jumped on him connecting their lips. He rounded one arm around her waist and the other one around her neck holding her hair tilting her head to deepen the kiss.

Without breaking the kiss Kal rounded her legs around his hips and lifted her up like a koala bear and walked towards where he wanted to take her. He went into a tree hole and after a few seconds Shivali broke the kiss and looked around to see the place shining with fireflies "What is this place?"

"I found it when I went back in time..." Kal replied and slowly walked into the pool in the middle of the place.

He let her go in the pool which shined as if there were pearls in it with natural green color as Kal tore his shirt throwing it away making her look back at him to see a scar in the middle of his chest where she stabbed him.

She caressed it making him hold her hand and brought it to his lips kissing the inside of her wrist before turning her around pulling her back to his front pulling her shirt down leaving her naked "I was so mad when I saw my wife missing after the first night of our marriage".

" I.....ah..." She hissed when he bite her shoulder.

"Do you know how scared I was?" He poured water on her body cleaning the dirt and sweat off.

Shivali raised her eyebrows "I thought you are a man who was scared of nothing".

Kal thought for a few seconds and then nodded "I was but you are making me find new things about me".

Shivali faced him rounding her arms around his neck "Mahakala Rudramaneni I love you forever...".

Kal smiled pulling her close connecting their naked bodies "Shivali Mahakala Rudramaneni I love you for eternity" and pressed his lips against hers connecting their souls this time which were meant to be together from the beginning of the time.

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