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Shivali went down to see everyone in the dining area and joined them making Rudra smile "Hello Shivali! I couldn't introduce myself before properly. I'm Rudra Dev Rudramaneni, Veera's father".

Shivali nodded "We already spoke so no need of formal introductions".

Shivali nodded "We already spoke so no need of formal introductions"

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"How are you feeling now?" Kinnera asked.

"I'm fine! But how are you?" Shivali asked back.

"I've a sore neck otherwise I'm fine" Kinnera pointed to her neck.

"What did you see?" Kal asked.

Kinnera looked between Kal and Shivali and gulped "I...I saw her dying" making everyone stop eating and look at her.

Shivali raised her eyebrow "How exactly?"

" were stabbed in the heart" Kinnera mumbled "By a Rudhira blade".

Shivali nodded "So you guys are gonna stab me in the back".

"Not all visions Kinnera have come true Shivali" Veera tried to convince her.

"I don't trust anyone! People always betray" Shivali stood up completing her dinner "I'll be in the living room! We can vacate my flat after your dinner is done" before walking away.

After two hours Shivali was in her room arranging the things she took from her flat in her new room in Kal's mansion. She heard a knock before the door opened revealing Ammu and Sammy who walked inside.

"What is it?" Shivali asked as she arranged books in the shelf.

"We're here to help" Sammy replied.

"I can do it myself" Shivali took the picture frames out of the box gently and placed them on the bed.

Ammu was curious about the frames and walked to the bed picking up one of the frames revealing a woman in her twenties "Look Sammy! It's the lady from dad's purse".

Shivali snatched the picture frame before walking to the wall and started arranging the frames on the wall with the temporary screws "What purse?"

Shivali snatched the picture frame before walking to the wall and started arranging the frames on the wall with the temporary screws "What purse?"

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"Sammy was going through dad's things one day and I saw her photo in the purse but it was different one" Ammu explained  "Who's she?"

"That's my mom" Shivali smiled looking at the frames.

"That's dad right! And is that little girl you?" Ammu asked.

"Yes!" Shivali replied as Sammy put away the boxes.

"You guys are so happy" Ammu was amazed at the pictures because she never took such pictures with her dad.

"We were happy once" Shivali sat down on the bed leaving her hair loose.

"At least you got pictures of such moments but we never were that close to dad" Sammy stated.

"Are you trying to blame me?" Shivali looked at her step brother.

"You blamed us which is why you left the family behind" Sammy corrected her.

"My family died with my mom" Shivali looked at Sammy with no expression.

"We are family! We are our father's kids. We have same blood running through our veins so stop talking like we're outsiders" Sammy was angry now.

Shivali scoffed "I'm the outsider here! Once this fucking issue is solved I'll go far away where you or your family can't reach me".

"If we weren't your family why did you help us?" Ammu asked not liking her brother and sister arguing.

"Because you're kids and as you said our blood is same but that doesn't mean we're close going family. It's just blood nothing else" Shivali honestly answered.

"If that's why you're here for then we don't need you to take care of us" Sammy gritted out before turning around to walk away but stopped when he almost bumped into Kal.

"The sarcophagus was stolen" Kal's words made Shivali stand up.

"I thought yours was a very secretive hide out" Sammy sarcastically said.

"It was stolen when we were sending it back to bury it after what happened to your half sister and my cousin" Kal stated.

"So you've lost the only thing that is going to rein hell upon the earth to the evil followers" Shivali nodded "Great!".

Kal rolled his eyes "They can't open it without you or have you forgotten".

"I'm not the only historian available in the whole world and I don't think it'll be long before Samael comes out" Shivali was tensed.

Kal narrowed his eyes "How do you know?"

"If we reverse engineer whatever your ancestors did then he may be up and ruling the daanavas" Shivali stated.

"And you're saying this just now after it is stolen" Kal gritted out before walking away.

"You can leave too" Shivali looked at the siblings making Sammy walk away.

Ammu stopped at the door "Although we're dad's kids Sammy told me that dad wanted you by his side always and missed you so much".

Shivali fisted her hand "If he did he shouldn't have let me go then" making Ammu walk out shutting the door behind her

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