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Vidhaar rushed to Shivali and held her shoulders scanning her from top to bottoom "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

She shrugged off his arms from her shoulders "No I didn't! But you better  explain me what's going on?"

"We're also Rudhiras from many generations! And your father was my best friend until he...left everything behind" Dr. Raayala spoke.

"So what's the purpose of Rudhiras? World peace?" Sammy scoffed.

"No! Protecting sanguis deus" Vidhaar stated seriously.

"Sangus due...what?" Ammu questioned.

"Sanguis deus meaning blood of god in latin" Shivali corrected her.

"I don't understand why would my family keep a map of paatal when you protect some god's blood. How is it even related?" Sammy folded his arms.

"A very long time ago...there was always a war between the asuras and devas who were half brothers. And in every yuga lord vishnu took different forms and destroyed the asurs. A very kind hearted and generous king was a great devotee of lord vishnu. He did tapasya for years and impressed lord vishnu who gave him a boon of a blessed child. Although that child was born to human parents he was still the child of god who has immense powers and pure light. Once the asuras came to know about this child they decided to use him for vengence against the devas. So the trusted kshatriyas of the king formed an alliance to protect the God's blood and hence the Rudhiras came into existence" Dr. Raayala narrated the story.

"Great! Amazing! But there are no asuras in this yuga except the kali who'll come after almost two lack years. So what the hell are you still working for?" Shivali looked at the Rudhira men.

"You're right most of the asuras are not here! But there are extended bloodlines of them. From many yugas the asuras laid with humans and birthed many off springs who were half human and half demon like Ravanasura" Veera explained.

Ammu frowned "So the masked men wearing demon masks were those asuras?"

Vidhaar nodded "They call themselves danavas! And they have some extraordinary strengths. It's really a miracle you guys escaped".

"If they are hunting for this so called God's blood then why would they need the map?" Sammy was confused.

"The gates of paatalam will only be opened with two things: God's blood, a pure blooded demon's blood that's why they need the God's blood and the map to find where the gates are" The physician explained.

"So we still have the map and we don't know where. You guys have this so called God's blood laying in your fridge and the danavas have the demon's blood with them itself. Everybody is happy trying to get whatever they want while we're stuck here in between all this mess...Great!" Shivali was frustrated.

The Rudhiras looked at each other and then at her as Vidhaar cleared his throat "We don't have the God's blood in our fridge".

"Oh.....right! You have a walking blood bag somewhere right. You should go protect them instead of teaching the history because we've nothing to do with any of this" Sammy stated.

"Actually! You've everything to do with this" Dr. Raayala looked at Sammy.

"If you mean just because our family is Rudhiras from many generations we are going to be a part of it" Shivali walked to Ammu and held her hand "Then you got it wrong. We don't want anything to do with this so called secret society nor god nor any demon. Thanks for the valuable information but we're leaving" and started walking towards the door with Sammy and Ammu.

"You three are the walking blood bags" Veera's words made them stop and face them with narrowed eyebrows.

With that expression on their faces anyone could say they are siblings. Their features came from their father mostly rather than from the mother side even when they are half siblings.

"What nonsense? Didn't you just say our father was a Rudhira?" Sammy glared at Veera.

"He was but he's also God's blood. The king who was blessed was a Suryavanshi king and you are the descendants of him which makes you the carrier of the God's blood after your father. When Rudhiras were formed to stop those demons your ancestor was also a part of us and fought by our side not just for himself but also to protect people from the evil that's when we changed our purpose from just protecting the God's blood to ending each and every danava bloodline" Veera explained.

"Why attack now? They could've attacked before" Shivali asked.

"There has been a recent development" Dr. Raayala spoke "The sarcophagus we dug out belonged to daanavas".

"The sarcophagus I saw this morning?" Shivali looked at Dr. Raayala who nodded "I knew there was something locked in it to never come out looking at the symbols".

"Who is in the sarcophagus?" Sammy asked.

"An asura called Samael the Rudhiras fought five thousand years ago because he did what any danava couldn't do: find the pure bloodline of demons and the map. He only needed God's blood to open the gates but our ancestors put him to sleep forever and many died that dreadful day" The physician narrated the story of the coffin.

"If you guys put him to sleep then why the hell did you dig him up?" Ammu huffed.

"No one knew where he was buried. The tale died with the ancestors itself and even people forgot him. We didn't know it was the same sarcophagus until we cleaned it up and I inspected it. By the time we could recover it to the Rudhiras place the news went out" Dr. Raayala answered.

"Nicely done! What are you going to do now?" Shivali looked at Veera.

"You're going to help the Doctor study the sarcophagus while I and your brother search for the map in your villa and the kid stays here" Veera instructed before walking out making Sammy look at Shivali and Ammu before following the chief out.

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