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Shivali opened her eyes to see the place completely empty making her narrow her eyes. She looked around and walked endlessly to find anything or anyone or atleast a door. She sighed and fell down not finding anything and spoke out in the emptiness "Kal....where are you?"

"Who's Kal?" She heard a voice and turned around only to widen her eyes "Amma!".

"Who's Kal?" She heard a voice and turned around only to widen her eyes "Amma!"

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The woman who stood before her frowned "Amma?...." and walked towards Shivali cautiously "Shiva...." making Shivali stand up and rush to her hugging her.

"Ma...I missed you so much Mamma!" Shivali started crying making the woman hug her back with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I missed you too baby" Amrutha whispered.

Shivali pulled back "I'm so sorry dad killed you.....I'm sorry...".

Amrutha frowned shaking her head "What no....no...your dad didn't kill me..."

Shivali wiped her tears "If you are siding with him just because I'll hate him then don't worry I hate him already".

Amrutha closed her eyes in pain "No baby...you've got it wrong..." and started walking with Shivali by her side "I killed myself Shiva because I was turning dangerous".

Shiva frowned "You knew you were a demon?"

Amrutha nodded "Your father knew it too but we still got married, had you. And then we found out that I'm not just any demon but a pure blooded one. It's very rare to find us these days we thought the supression magic would work but I was turning evil".

"Not all demons are evil" Shivali argued.

"Yes! But we're a special case we are born out of greed, hatred and desire to power. It runs in our blood we can't outrun our destiny and when I realized that I can be a danger to your father, to you and everyone I took the easy way out, I killed myself. The car didn't drive off of the bridge...it was me who did it...because I know your dad will try until his life ends to save me" Amrutha told the truth.

A tear rolled down Shivali's cheek "He lied....but he moved on after your death and had kids...and you want to know the best part? He killed me many times".

Amrutha gasped and gulped "I thought he wouldn't do it...".

Shivali took a step back from Amrutha startled "You knew he'd do it?"

Amrutha moved closer to Shivali and started walking again "I didn't want you to become like me that's why I found a way out to kill the demon in you because it is too weak when you're a child".

"But that didn't work out..." Shivali mumbled.

Amrutha nodded "I can see that because you're here".

Shivali looked around only to see everything in black endlessly "But...what is this place?"

"This is empty. The place we go after we die" Ameutha replied.

Shivali hated this place already "This is where Kal is gonna come after he died too..."

Amrutha raised her eyebrow "Kal? Who's this Kal you're thinking of since you got here?"

"He's my husband" Shivali non chalantly said.

Amrutha widened her eyes"Husband? You got married?"

Shivali looked at her mother startled realising what she said "Uh...Kal...he is the one protecting me against the Rudhiras".

"He betrayed his oath for you..." Amrutha smiled "He loves you so much then...I am happy you found a man like him".

Shivali thought back to Kal and looked around "He wants to kill Samael and I'm here he's all alone there".

Amrutha smiled holding her daughter's hand "You can go back to him".

Shivali looked at her mom hopefully "I died but is there a way to go back?"

Amrutha nodded and looked to her right making Shivali follow her gaze to see a small light "There are souls who wants a way out especially the demons but only a pure blooded demon goes out".

Shivali frowned "Then why didn't you go through it?"

Amrutha sighed "Because I knew this day would come. It's a one way trip Shiva".

"You were waiting for me" Shivali whispered hugging her mom.

"I wouldn't want my daughter here no matter how evil she is" Amrutha kissed Shivali's forehead "Now go back".

Shivali started crying " I wish we had more time".

Amrutha shook her head "I too baby but they will be searching for your soul already so get out of here now and end Samael and make sure you don't let go of your husband, he seems nice".

Shivali chuckled "You wouldn't say nice when you see our arguments".

"So you better go back and tell me again after a long time when we meet again" Amrutha smiled making Shivali nod and walk towards the light.

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