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"The supposed long-last sister I'm meant to meet is you?" 

"Wait, Gia is the friend you've been talking about all these years?" Dad questioned looking surprised.

"Yeah - that's, that's her." She said.

I got up and walked closer to her. She did the same and we engulfed each other in a big hug.

"I was with my sister this whole time and I didn't know?" I sobbed.

Her sniffles sounded through my ear making me break into more tears.

"God, I'm so happy to know that you're my sister." She said in between sobs.

We pulled apart and found our dad smiling at us. Crinkles lined the corners of his eyes as his face lit up. I could see the resemblance between him and Kate. She was a copy of him.

"Why don't you girls sit so I can perhaps clarify everything?" He suggested and we sat together on the couch.

"God, I don't know why I even bothered to wear makeup today." I commented and they chuckled.

"When did you guys have me then?" Kate looked at him questioningly.

"As you know we had Gia when we were eighteen. Her parents took her away when she was three months. We still stuck together, worked towards getting our college degrees, and got jobs. Your mom got pregnant with Kate when she was twenty just before graduating. A few years later, we had your brother Enzo."

We both nodded understanding.

"We only started getting successful when Kate was five years old. We searched for you but we couldn't find you, Gia. Your mother's parents made it impossible for us. We tried every adoption center but luck was not on our side. If only we knew that Kate had already met..." his voice broke.

"It's okay. At least we're together here now. Mom might not be here but I have you guys now and I've had Kate this whole time." I uttered, tears streaming down my face.

"Here." Kate offered tissues.

"Well now that I have my two angels here with me I can finally be at peace." He heaved a breath of relief. "Who are your foster parents?"

"Adriano, I'm home." A woman suddenly walked in, grabbing our attention. Her eyes laid on me, making me feel conscious by the way she looked at me adoringly.

"Grandma!" Kate called out to her excitedly and stood up to hug her. My eyes bulged when Kate called her Grandma. She hugged Kate, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Ah - you're just in time to meet Gia." Dad said, with a wide smile. "Gia, this is your grandmother, your mom's mother."

"Hi, I'm Beauty. You must be Gia." She introduced herself.

Beauty was a black woman with slightly graying hair and a petite body. She had black hair with a few gray strands and she dressed in an elegant black dress that was just above her knees. She was carrying a few bags and a Chanel purse. Our eyes met and she gawked at me adoringly. She had an American accent.

I nodded. "Yes, I'm Gia, nice to meet you."

Her eyes became teary as she looked at me. "Sorry but you really look like your mother. Just as beautiful." She said in a shaky voice. "I'm your grandmother. Feel free to call me grandma."

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

"Do you mind if I give you a hug?" She asked and I nodded. She embraced in a warm, tight hug that made feel at home.

"God, it's so good to have you here with us. Your mother would have been so happy to see you. After all those years of searching for you, we've finally found you." She said wiping her tears.

"I'm so glad to finally be here with you guys. Now I feel - complete." I told them truthfully.

"Let me not get emotional. Uh - is there anything I can get for ya'll?" She asked. "I can ask Maeve to prepare some snacks and a few drinks?"

"How about some wine?" Dad suggested.

"Wine sounds good." I replied and Kate nodded.

Minutes later, Maeve came with three glasses of wine.

"So, where were we?" Dad started.

"My adoptive parents." I responded. "I only stay with my mum. My dad passed on when I was younger so it's just been us two."

He nodded. "Did they take care of you?" He tone became serious.

"Yes, they did a really good job. I was actually lucky to end up in their hands."

"Kathy, Gia's adoptive mum is the sweetest. I'm a witness and she's always treated me like her own daughter." Kate added and dad looked more relax when he heard that.

"I'd love to meet her and thank her for taking care of you." He said before taking a sip of his wine.

"Omg - let me show around the house." Kate suggested and I nodded.

"You girls go on. I've got some things to take care. Make yourself at home, Gia." He replied, giving me a hug and a kiss on my temple.

I smiled as I felt his warmth comfort me.

Kate and I walked hand in hand as she showed me around. The house had about fifteen bedrooms, twenty five bathrooms, a game room, a movie theater, a spa, a gym, two pools, a tennis court and a bowling alley. It would probably take me months to memorize.

Kate took me to the last room. "And this is a room dedicated to mum."

My eyes lit up as I took in the huge room. Her most famous designs were here. All her pictures hung on the walls and her awards. My eyes squinted before shock took over me.

"Wait, so our mum is Nia Napoletano?"

Kate nodded. "She was iconic. I aspire to be like her. She was a very talented fashion designer."

"I could have met her if only I didn't cancel our plans whenever you invited me to Manchester." I sighed.

"Don't beat yourself too much."

She was truly beautiful and now I see why everyone says I resemble her. I looked more like her, one could say I was a copy and paste of her.

I wiped the tears that I had.

"Oh, don't cry. She's probably very happy that you're finally here with us." Kate comforted me.

"She was beautiful. " I whispered, staring at the picture adoringly. My heart ached again when I realized I would never get the chance to meet her.

I saw articles and magazine covers she did. My eyes landed on the brand.

I gasped. "She was the designer of Verde?"

Kate smiled. "Yeah, pretty cool huh?"

"No ways. I've always wanted to shop at Verde but never got the chance."

"Well now you do. The brand has a new designer who took over but everyone thinks no one can replace mum."

She nodded. "Honestly, she was a living legend."

"Let's get something to eat? I'm quite hungry." Kate said.

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