Should've Listened

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The next morning, Kayla wakes up, stretching as she sits up and looks around at her new surroundings. Her first night at her new apartment. She slept pretty well for being in a new place, usually she gets a bad night of sleep whenever she's away from home. Being able to sleep in her own bed must've helped her get some reason.

She crawls out of bed and shuffles to the bathroom, getting undressed and stepping into the shower.

At the same time, Matt is exiting his bathroom after taking a shower himself, wearing black basketball shorts without a shirt, his typical at home attire. He heads into the kitchen. He looks in the fridge, remembering they just moved in and hadn't gone grocery shopping yet. "Damn, guess I'll have to order something for breakfast."

He hears a door open, turning to see Kayla walking out of her room, wearing an oversized grey shirt, long enough to go midway down her thighs. "Morning sleeping beauty. Did you rest well?"

Kayla sees Matt standing in the kitchen, taking a step back and reaching behind her to cover her bottom. "You're not gonna try to wedgie me again, are you?"

Matt laughs. "Depends. Are you wearing shorts under your shirt?" He asks, teasing her.

"Hmm, well not exactly." She says, pulling her shirt down. "And where's your shirt? You're being indecent."

"Oh please. You've seen me shirtless before." He chuckles, looking at her pulling her shirt down, as if she wasn't already fully covered. Still, he couldn't help but wonder what she was hiding under that shirt. "Anyways, we gotta go grocery shopping later. Do you wanna grab some breakfast at the diner then go to Walmart?"

Kayla nods. "Sure! I realized last night I don't have a lamp in my room either, so I need to find one. Let me get dressed and we can go."

"Okay." Matt answers. "Don't take too long, or I'll come in there and drag you out." He teases her again.

Kayla smirks. "Yeah, whatever." She turns and goes back into her room, closing the door. She throws her shirt over her head, leaving her in just her pink boy shorts. She goes to her dresser and finds a matching pink bra and puts it on. She continues getting dressed sliding on jean shorts and a frilly crop top with floral designs.

She goes to her bathroom, starting to brush her long brown hair, then hears a knock at the door. "You decent in there?" Matt calls out.

Kayla smiles. "Come on in!"

Matt opens the door, turning the corner and greeting Kayla's green eyes. "Aren't you gonna be cold dressed like that?"

Matt himself was wearing a pair of khaki joggers and a grey hoodie.

"But this outfit is cute!" Kayla says back. She looks up into his blue eyes, then looks at his messy blonde hair. "The least you could do is comb your hair! You're such a slop." She says, ruffling his hair.

"Hey, cut that out!" He pulls his head away from her. "At least wear a jacket or something. I don't want to hear you bitching if you get sick." He leaves her room.

Kayla turns back to the mirror and finishes getting ready. She then walks into the living room, sliding on her socks and white converse.

Matt comes out of his room. "You finally ready to go?"

Kayla nods and stands up. They go out to Matt's car and head to the diner to grab breakfast before going to Walmart.

As they walk into the store, Kayla starts to shiver. "It's a little chilly. It'd be really cool if you let me borrow your hoodie!"

Matt smirks as he looks over at her. "Didn't I warn you that you'd be cold wearing that outfit?"

"Yeah but I ignored your advice. So can I borrow your hoodie?"

"Okay, I'll let you borrow it. But you owe me something later." He starts to slide his hoodie off.

Kayla looks up at him curiously. "Owe you? Owe you what?"

He hands his hoodie to her. "You'll see. Do you want the hoodie or not?"

She pouted at him not telling her, but is freezing and takes the hoodie. She slides it on, being jump long enough to cover her full outfit.

They walk around the store together, Kayla looking quite childish walking around in an oversized hoodie. They got enough groceries to last them a week, as well as lamps and other smaller house supplies they didn't have before.

They load everything into Matt's trunk. "Alright, ready to head back home?" Matt asks.

Kayla smiles and nods as they get in the car. "So, are you going to tell me what I owe you?"

Matt shakes his head. "I'll tell you when the time is right."

"Hmm" Kayla pouts. She takes over the radio, blaring Ariana Grande, which isn't particularly Matt's taste in music, but he deals with it.

They get back home and start carrying the groceries and other bags inside. Once everything is put away, Kayla pulls off the hoodie and hands it back to Matt. "Thank you for letting me wear this. It's so cozy."

"No problem." He says, setting it down in the couch. "But I think it's time you return the favor." He grabs her by the arm, pulling her in close.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" She exclaims.

Matt leans her over, putting her in a headlock. "I think since you didn't listen to me when I said you'd be cold, you need to be taught a little lesson!" He gives her a swift smack on the butt.

"Ow! Hey! You can't just spank me! I'm not a little kid!" Kayla says, struggling to try to escape the headlock.

"I never said you were a little kid. But you didn't want to listen to me so I think you need to pay the price!" He chuckles as he keeps spanking her over her shorts.

The smacks feel more playful than they do painful, but Kayla still didn't like to be in this position having her butt smacked by her best friend.

"Come on! I'm sorry I didn't listen! I don't want a spanking!"

Matt just chuckles, spanking a little bit harder. He gives her a total of 20 smacks, 10 on each cheek. "Think you've learned your lesson?"

"Yes! Now please let me go!"

Matt reaches his free hand down to her shorts, lifting them up a little to get a peek at her pink panties. "Since I got you here, might as well do this too." He grabs her panties and pulls them out of her shorts.

"Ugghh!" She groans out as she receives a wedgie.

Matt laughs, letting her go. "I'm sure that spanking was a bit overdo."

Kayla stands up straight, rubbing her butt. "That's none of your business! You could've just been a gentleman and lent me your hoodie without repercussions!"

Matt smiles at her. "Well what's the fun in that? I'm sure you'll listen next time I say 'hey dress accordingly.'"

Kayla rolls her eyes. "Yeah well, I'll have better judgment next time. Can you help me put this lamp together?" She reaches back to adjust her undies.

"Haha, yeah sure." Matt takes the box off out and pours out the pieces to start assembling the lamp. 

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