Frisky Sleepover Part 1

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Kayla was in her room, pulling new bedsheets on her bed. Her friend Megan was coming into town to visit from college, and they offered to let her stay at their place and sleep in her bed, and Kayla would just sleep in Matt's bed. A major inconvenience, I know.

Megan was close with Kayla, even grew up with both roommates.

(4th wall break, she was in a previous chapter)

She was all too familiar with the little wedgie dynamic the two had growing up, and wasn't at all surprised when they started dating. Megan was pretty shy and timid growing up, but since she started college she's been a bit of an exhibitionist, which Kayla felt a little iffy about. But they were good friends and she supposed anything she did as long as it made her happy.

Matt walks into the room, giving Kayla a playful smack over her leggings. "Sup cutie?"

Kayla jumps at the sudden smack, turning to smile at Matt. "Hey baby. Just getting my room cleaned up for Megan. You excited to see her?"

Matt nods. "I am! I don't think we've talked since I graduated. I hope she's doing well."

"From what she tells me she's doing good. She's looking forward to seeing us."

Matt helps her pull the fitted sheet over her bed, then goes out to the living room to straighten things up. Not too long after, he hears a knock at the door. Kayla rushes out of her room to answer the door, and Matt hears 2 girly screeches. "Kayla! It's so good to see you! You look so good!"

"You look so pretty Meg! And your hair looks really good!" Kayla hugs her before letting her into the apartment, closing the door behind them.

She leads her into the living room. She walks in rolling her green brief case behind her, wearing jeans and a green top. She was a little taller than Kayla, with green eyes and blonde hair just below her shoulders. She smiles at Matt, pulling her arms out. "Matthew!"

Matt smiles, walking up to give her a quick hug. "Good to see you Megan. How have you been?"

"I've been good!" She says, pulling away from the hug. "The flight was exhausting, and getting a rental car was just a mess! But I'm happy to be here! How have you been?"

"I've been great." Matt says. "Got my degree, a job I enjoy, dating my life long best friend. Life couldn't be better right now."

Kayla smiles and blushes at the last comment. Megan smiles. "I'm so glad you two are finally together. I watched you toy around with each other too much growing up to not see it come into fruition."

Matt pulls Kayla closer to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. "She's a brat sometimes, but, she's got a cute butt and she laughs at my jokes. Plus I signed a year long lease with her, so I guess I'll keep her around."

Megan giggles. "Well I hope you're keeping her brattiness in check. I'm sure the wedging hasn't stopped?"

Kayla blushes, while Matt chuckles. "Oh from time to time."

Megan shakes her head with a smile. "I guess some things never change. Well, I want to put my bag up, and then Kayla said you wanted to take us out to dinner?"

Kayla nods, leaving Matt's side. "Mmhm, I'll show you my room where you'll be staying." She leads her into her bedroom.

Megan sets her luggage on the bed, turning to smile at Kayla. "Is he treating you right Kay?"

Kayla smiles and nods. "He's treating me very right. He's such a sweet loving person."

"How's that little spanking thing you two have going on?"

Kayla blushes, forgetting that she told her about that when it first started. "It's going good. I think it's definitely helped a lot."

"I've tried spankings a little bit with a few guys. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet I think it just turns me on."

Kayla giggles. "It can be hot sometimes. He doesn't just spank me when I'm in trouble." Kayla feels embarrassed, trying to change the topic. "So where you wanna go for dinner?"

"Is that old wing restaurant still here? I haven't had it in forever." Megan asks.

"It is!" Kayla answers. "We can totally go there. Me and Matty still go there from time to time.

"Good! Then after dinner..." Megan opens her briefcase, pulling out a large bottle of vodka. "How about we have ourselves a little party?"

Kayla's eyes get wide at the size on the bottle. "How'd you get that past TSA?"

Megan laughs. "I stopped at a liquor store on the way here. I'm 21 remember, I can buy alcohol now!"

"Oh that's right." Kayla answers and giggles.

Megan carries the bottle out into the living room to show Matt. "Hey tough guy, check this out."

Matt turns to see the bottle. "Oh lord. College really changed you didn't it?"

Megan laughs. "Well if I've learned anything in college, it's that tequila makes my panties disappear, so I had to switch to vodka to stop losing them."

"Megan!" Kayla yells out at her vulgar remarks.

Megan laughs. "I'm just playing! Kind of." She sets the bottle on the dining table. "So, we ready for dinner?"

Kayla nods. "She wants to go to the wing place, Matty."

Matt smiles. "I'm totally down for that. Let's get going."

To be continued....

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