Repeated Mistake

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Matt walks into the apartment after work. He walks into the kitchen, seeing the dishes not done, once again. He rolls his eyes and sighs. "This girl." He mutters to himself. He starts making his way into Kayla's bedroom.

He opens her door, seeing she's not in her room. He walks over to his bedroom, seeing the door cracked. He smiles as he sees Kayla under the blanket, asleep in his bed. He can't help but admit to himself that she looked cute while she was asleep, but he was upset with her and shakes her awake.

Kayla feels her shoulder being shaken, slowly opening her eyes. "Mm? What?" She looks up at Matt and smiles. "Oh, hey baby." She says in a sleepy voice, trying to pull him into bed with her.

Matt sits on the bed beside her. "Hey sleepy head. Didn't feel like taking a nap in your own bed?"

She sits up slightly, rubbing her eyes. "Mmm, your bed is comfier."

Matt smiles. "Well that's good to hear. But since you decided to take a nap, you're in trouble."

She opens her eyes more widely. "In trouble? For what?!"

"What did I ask you to do before I came home?"

Kayla thinks for a second. "Shit...I was supposed to do the dishes..."

Matt nods his head. "We've had a talk about this before haven't we?"

Kayla looks down, then nods her head. "Yes sir, we did."

Matt looks at her for a moment, then adjusts his seating on the bed. "Well, let's not waste anymore time. Come lay over my lap."

Kayla groans, wanting to fight it but knows she won't win this fight. She never wins a fight when it came to being spanked. She climbs from her comfy spot in bed and over Matt's lap.

Matt rubs his hand over her leggings. "You know we both have our fair share of chores to do, and I keep up with mine. I don't see why you think it's okay to nap instead of doing yours."

Kayla groans and argues. "I was going to do it after my nap! I just overslept!"

"You should have done the dishes before you took a nap. You always oversleep so you should know better by now."

Kayla lowers her head in defeat, feeling Matt's hand rubbing her bottom.

Matt wraps his arm around her waist, and begins spanking her hard.

Kayla whines and winces as she feels the firm swats. She instantly felt 100% wide awake from the sharp pain on her bottom. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Matt held her close to his torso as she started to squirm around. He continued to bounce his hand off of her bottom, tightly wrapped by her black leggings. He focuses most of his swats on her sit spots.

Kayla continues to whine, feeling guilty for not knowing better. Her eyes started to build tears.

Matt stops the spanking briefly, rubbing her sore bottom before grabbing the waistband of her leggings.

Kayla feels her leggings being pulled down and lifts her hip to allow him to pull them off. Her hot pink panties are revealed as her Matt pulls her leggings down past her thoughts. Kayla wraps her arms around his leg, anticipating more spankings.

He rests his hand on her bottom, then continues the firm spanking. He doesn't lecture or talk with her between spankings, just wanting to get the punishment over with.

Kayla whines out at the smacks, stinging more without the protection of her leggings. She tries to reach back to block his shot, but feels her arm get grabbed and pinned behind her back. She begins to cry from the pain on her backside.

Matt spanks her for a moment before pulling her panties down. "It's always a shame when I have to pull these down for the wrong reason. I shouldn't need to punish you over something so simple."

Kayla sniffles. "I'm sorry Matty."

"Yeah well, you're gonna feel really sorry." He holds his grip tightly on her wrist behind her back, throwing his leg over hers to pin her down. Then, he begins to spank her even more harshly. He quickly lands hard smacks, not slowly down to let the smacks set in.

Kayla wails out. She squirms, but is unable to move around from his restraints. The pain keeps building more and more with no end. She starts blubbering crying. "I'm sorry! Baby I'm sorry owie! Owe!!"

After a minute he stops spanking and rubs her bare butt. He admires her red skin as he comforts her. "Are you going to forget to do your chores again?"

Kayla quickly shakes her head. "No sir!" She cries out.

"Good. Because I'm going easy on you with just a hand spanking today. But consider this strike two since it's the second time I've had to spank you for this. If it happens again, I'm going to make sure you'll be sleeping on your stomach for a month. You got that?"

She nods her head. "Yes sir!" The more stern tone and threats scared her. She's gotten harsh spankings from him before, and growing up. She was frightened about what might be in store if she pissed him off again.

"Good girl." He rubs her butt a little longer while her crying settles.

He helps her stand up, pulling her panties back up and peeling the leggings off her legs, leaving her in her panties and tshirt.

"You know the drill. Go do your chores, and I'll think about letting you have your pants back."

She nods softly. "Yes sir."

Before sending her off, Matt leans in and kisses her. "I love you sweetie. If I want to spank you, I was it to be light and fun. But if you keep being lazy and acting up, I'll have to keep punishing you. And if you don't want to be punished, clean it up.  Understood?"

Kayla nods. "Yes Matthew. I'm sorry."

They kiss again before Kayla waddles to the kitchen, rubbing her sore bottom.

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