First Time

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"You want me to do what?!" Matt replies. His eyes widened at the suggestion.

"It sounds crazy I know! I just...You know, forget I asked." Kayla started to walk out of the room.

"No no come back. I want to hear you out. It's just, I didn't expect you to willingly ask me to spank you." Matt says to her.

Kayla sits down on the bed. "It's just... I mean you know I got spanked from time to time at home, you've even been there to see me get it before."

"Which you told me to never bring up and I never did, as promised."

"Right, thank you." She smiles. "But, even though I haven't been spanked since I was 15, I think having that idea looming over my head when I lived at home helped keep me in line. And since I moved out, I've been really slacking. On my school work, on my chores, hell sometimes I don't even go to work on time. I don't know what else to do, and since you're my best friend, and now my roommate, I feel like I can trust you to help bring me back around."

Matt sits and ponders the idea for a minute, then looks up at Kayla. "Do you really trust me? Or am I just your only option?"

"Matty." Kayla says. "We've been best friends since I was 6. We've been through thick and thin together, we tell each other almost everything, we LIVE together. Why wouldn't I trust you?"

"True, true." Matt says, still thinking. "And this isn't like, you admitting you have a weird spanking kink or something right?"

She tries to fight it, but can't help but to giggle at his question. "Matt I'm serious! Please take this seriously."

"I know I know." They sit in the room together quietly while Matt thinks it over.

Once he's decided, he looks over at his friend. "Well, doesn't hurt giving it a shot right?"

Kayla smiles. "Thank you Matt. I really hope this helps me, and I only want to do this if you're comfortable with it."

Matt stands up. "You walk around my apartment pantsless almost every day. I think we're both pretty comfortable doing this." He smirks at her, sitting beside her on the bed. "So how do you want to do this? Want to lay over my lap and start over your pants?"

Kayla nods, crawling over his lap. Matt rubs her butt over her blue running shorts, feeling weird being the only time his hands are near her butt and she isn't fighting back.

"But if you decide to be funny and give me a wedgie, I'll fucking kill you." Kayla threats.

Matt smirks, giving her a quick smack. "That's no way to speak to someone who's got you over their lap."

She winces at the smack. "Ow...sorry."

Matt chuckles. He rubs her bottom a little more. "Alright Kayla, you ready?"

She nods her head. "Yes sir."

Yes sir, he liked the sound of that. He rests his free hand on her back, and begins spanking her with the other.

The smacks land firmly on her perky bottom, but not as hard as the time he experienced her dad whooping her. He begins to find his rhythm as he bounces his hand off of both of her cheeks.

Kayla whines slightly at the spanking, wanting to fight back, but resists knowing she asked for this. She felt a slight sense of relief finally getting this over with, starting to feel the guilt escaping her body as her shoulders relax.

Matt spanks a bit longer, spanking hard once he finds a good rhythm.

"Ow...ow....Owie...." Kayla says lightly at the more firm smacks.

Roommate RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now