Matt's Birthday Part 1

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Today is Matt's 23rd birthday. With it falling on a weekday, he didn't make any big plans since all of his friends are at work, but decided to take a vacation day from work to enjoy the day off.

He's woken up to the feeling on kisses on his face. He opens his eyes to see his girlfriend smiling near his face, positioned over top of him in a tshirt and panties. He smiles. "Good morning baby."

"Good morning birthday boy." She says back.

Matt rolls on his back and Kayla rests her body, sitting down on his groan area and leaning towards him. Matt puts his hands on her thighs. "You're off work today too right?"

Kayla nods. "Mmhm, and no classes either. So you've got me all to yourself."

Matt smiles. "You're the only thing I wanted for my birthday."

Kayla leans in to kiss him, lifting her butt in the air. Matt slides his hand from her thigh around her butt, feeling an unfamiliar fabric covering her cheeks.

He pulls from the kiss. "This aren't the same panties you had on last night. And they don't feel like anything you usually wear."

Kayla giggles, sitting up and lifting her shirt slightly. She had on white cotton briefs, with Hanes written on the logo. "I bought some new ones just for today."

Matt raises his eyebrow. "Oh? Had something planned?"

Kayla giggles again. "Well, given your nature of getting grabby with my undies, I figured I'd get some you can do whatever you want with without worrying about ruining any of my good panties."

Matt smiles. "I'm sure they came in a pack too?"

Kayla nods her head. "Came in a 4 pack."

"Oh baby, you're in for a long ass day." Matt says with a chuckle.

Kayla giggles. "No one else I'd rather spend it with. But before the fun starts, I want to give you this first."

She slides down to his legs, pulling the blanket off of his body. He only had on his black boxer briefs, with a very noticeable bulge. Kayla leans forward, starting to leaves kisses around his waist, closer and closer to his waistline, before she slowly pulls his underwear down.

His member stands straight up as she pulls his underwear down. He smiles as moans as she starts to lick it. He rests his hand on top of her head, looking up at her butt lifted in the air, covered by her nerdy looking panties. The view made him feel harder than he imagined he could've gotten.

He spreads his legs out and they both adjust into a more comfortable position. Kayla wraps her lips around his dick, bobbing her head up and down on it. Matt groans at the sensation he got from her licking and sucking him off.

He slides his hand down, reaching for the Hanes waistband of her undies. He manages to grab them, slowly pulling them up her back. Kayla moans feeling her underwear riding up her bottom, rubbing against her pussy. The undies are stretchier than her regular selection, but still feel thin enough to give at any moment. He pulls them near her neck as Kayla lowers from her knees, laying on her stomach as she continues sucking him.

Matt pulls on her panties in a circular motion, which sent a feeling in pleasure between Kayla's legs. She comes up for air, stroking his dick with her hand as she looks up at Matt. "You like that baby?"

"I fucking love it." He says to her with a grin. "You think your panties are stretchy enough to go over your head?"

Kayla giggles. "Only one way to find out." She continues stroking his dick, leaning her head back. Matt puts a hand on her head to push it back, pulling hard on her panties with the other. The elastic starts to snap as the fabric stretches further and further. Her panties dug deeper into her pussy. "Uuuh, baby." Kayla moans and giggles out.

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