Ground Rules

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Matt finishes getting ready for work, putting in his contacts and applying deodorant in the mirror. He throws on his polo shirt, tucking them into his khaki pants before heading out of his bathroom.

He sees Kayla, who's standing in the kitchen in leggings and a sweater making herself a cold brew. She turns to see Matt and smiles. "Good morning. You want some coffee?"

Matt smiles. "That'd be great." He walks into the kitchen. "How's your butt feeling today?"

"The redness is gone, but it still hurts a little when I sit down." Kayla says, handing Matt his coffee tumbler.

"Well I guess that means I did a good job. You when cleaned the kitchen last night." He says with a cocky smirk.

"Yeah well, I just wanted one less thing to worry about you know? I didn't want to be spanked two days in a row for not doing chores."

Matt chuckles. "I can understand that." He sips his coffee. "I guess since we're both here, we should probably lay some ground rules if you want this spanking thing to continue, right?"

Kayla hadn't really thought too deeply into it, but she nodded her head. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, as much as I enjoyed seeing your bare ass, I don't want to have to spank you for every little thing you do wrong. So how about we come up with a warning system?" Matt suggests. "I'll ask you to do something the first time, then the second time I'll give you a warning. But if I have to remind you to do something 3 times, you'll get spanked for it. Deal?"

Kayla thinks about it, thinking that does sound like a pretty fair rule. "Okay, deal. But what determines how hard you spank me?"

"It'll depend on what I think you deserve. I think after last night, a hand spanking should be enough, but if you're bad enough I might have to resort to other things, like..." he glances around the kitchen. "Maybe spanking you with a spoon, or god forbid my belt."

"I used to get spanked with my hairbrush too." Kayla covers her mouth, not wanting that to slip out.

Matt smirks. "See! You're already giving me great ideas!" He chuckles, wrapping his arm around her shoulders giving her a half hug. "I don't want to have to do that, so just try your best to keep up with school work and cleaning up after yourself. Sound good?"

Kayla smiles and nods. "Okay Matty. I'll try my best."

Matt smiles and picks up his coffee, giving Kayla one last look. "That outfit looks nice on you. Have a good day at class and at work."

Kayla smiles back at him. "You have a good day too. You look nice as well."

They part ways while Kayla gets ready to head to campus and Matt heads to work. Both beginning to notice weird feelings for one another. For as long as they've been friends, there's never been any true romantic tension between them, but now that they're adults and living together, is that friendship starting to blossom into something new?

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