Burnt Cookies.... And Buns

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Kayla was lying in bed, scrolling through TikTok on her phone.

She started smelling something that smelt like it was burning. Maybe Matt had lit a candle when he got home.

She rolls on her side, still watching different DIY videos that appeared on her TikTok feed, getting stuck in the mind numbing algorithm.

"KAYLA!" She hears being yelled. She climbs out of bed and rushing out into the living room to see Matt.

She smiles. "Yes Matty?"

He had on an oven mitt, holding a cooking sheet with black smoking circles lined along it. "What the fuck is this?!"

She had forgotten. She started baking cookies and wanted to surprise Matt when he got home. "Oh, shit. I forgot to set a timer."

Matt throws the pan down on the dining table. "That's so irresponsible of you! They're completely burnt! What if I hadn't caught it and the apartment caught fire? Then what?"

Kayla lowers her head, crossing her arms over her torso. "I'm sorry..."

"Oh you'll be real sorry." Matt says, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the couch.

Kayla is shocked by his force, realizing he was really upset. She gets yanked over his lap as he sits down on the couch, immediately met by hard slaps over her leggings. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Matt feels fully frustrated as he makes the impulse decision to drape her over his lap. He lands hard smack on her bottom, getting right to the point. "You should've been smarter and set a timer! Or at least check on them! Don't just put shit in the oven and forget about it!"

"Ow! Ow! I'm sorry! Ow! Matt! Ow!" Kayla cries out.

Matt stops spanking, pulling on the waist of her leggings. "Get these down right now."

Kayla quickly stands up, grabbing her leggings and pulls them down to her ankles. She lays back over his lap.

Matt places his hand over Kayla's striped underwear, resuming the hard spanking.

Kayla squints her eyes shut at the hard smacks. She can't help but to slightly kick her feet at the burning sensation. She feels Matt grabbing her panties, slightly pulling them up to smack her on her bare skin. She cries as the spanking goes on.

Matt keeps up the hard smacks with his hand before he stops and rubs her butt. "Feeling sorry for your stupid choice?"

Kayla nods. "Yes sir! I'm sorry!"

"Well we're not done yet. Stand up."

Kayla quickly stands as Matt stands beside her. He places his hand on her back, guiding her to the table.

"I want you to pull your panties down and bend over the table. Keep an eye on the reason you're getting spanked."

Kayla grabs her panties, leaning over as she pulls them down and bends over. She can smell how burnt the cookies right in front of her are, feeling bad for what she's done.

Matt unbuckles his belt, sliding it off his waist. "I'm going to spank you with my belt."

Kayla's eyes get wide and she reaches back to cover her butt with the back of her hand. "No! Matt please! I said I was sorry!"

"I know you're sorry. But you need to understand how dangerous this was and pay the price for it. Put your hand back where it belongs and stick your butt out. I don't want to hit your hands."

She whines as she lays her hands flat on the table, shuffling her feet back and apart to stick her bottom out, not even concerned over what Matt could see.

Matt loops the belt, holding it against her butt. "I don't want to do this, but I also don't want to come home to an apartment burnt down either." He reels the belt back and swings it, landing it firmly on her bare butt.

"OOOWW!" Kayla cries out. She hadn't felt the wrath of a belt in years, forgetting how much it stings. She begins to sob.

Matt keeps spanking her with the belt, taking a few seconds in between smacks as Kayla jumps in place from the stinging pain.

He gives her a total of 10 hard swats. "Are we going to have to do this again?"

"No Matty! I'm sorry!" She cries out.

"Good." He throws his belt over to the couch. "Come here." He puts his arms out.

Kayla stands up straight, turning to Matt and falls into his arms. She cries into his chest as he hugs her tightly.

Matt runs his fingers through her hair, comforting her while she gets her crying out.

"I'm sorry I had to spank you. But that was really dangerous and I needed you to understand the severity of it. I hope after receiving the belt it won't happen again." He says to her.

She shakes her head. "Absolutely not. I'm sorry."

Matt allows her to pull her pants and panties back up, walking over to the couch to sit down. He keeps an arm around her, comforting her while her crying dies down.

Kayla sniffles as she rests her head against Matt's shoulder. "I feel so bad. I really didn't mean to."

"It's okay. Just be more careful next time, okay?"

Kayla nods her head. "I'm more upset that I fucked up the cookies. I was really looking forward to surprising you with homemade cookies when you got home."

Matt smiles. "It's okay. This weekend we can make cookies from scratch together. It'll be fun. No need to surprise me."

Kayla sniffles, looking up at Matt. "I mean, I still have another surprise I can give you."

He looks at her curiously. "Oh? What's that?"

She reaches her neck up, giving Matt a kiss directly on the lips.

Matt is shocked, but he doesn't pull away from the kiss. He feels his shoulders relax as he leans into the kiss more passionately.

The kiss lasts a few seconds before they pull away. Matt smiles at Kayla. "Well, that definitely was a good surprise to come home to."

Kayla giggles, leaning in to give him another quick kiss. "Thank you for spanking me. I needed to learn a hard lesson."

"You're welcome. Thank you for the smooch."

They lean back into the couch, Matt's arm still around Kayla while she rests her head on his chest.

Kayla turns to look at him. "You didn't see my coochie did you?" She randomly asks.

Matt looks away. "Oh! I didn't see anything! Just a red butt." He lied to her.

They both laugh before Matt stands up with her. "Tell you what? I'll order dinner tonight. Scrap the burnt bits off that pan and try washing it, okay?"

Kayla smiles and nods. "Yes sir." She steps on her tippy toes to give him another quick kiss, loving the feeling of being able to do so, not feeling the need to hold back.

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