The Big Question

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About a week had passed since Matt last spanked Kayla, and they exchanged their first kiss.

They had kissed more since then, stopping every now and then to give a quick kiss and be flirty with each other.

Matt was enjoying the past few days. He had always thought Kayla was cute, but thought them being lifelong friends would ruin his chances of ever being in a relationship with her.

Kayla also always felt a sense of attraction to Matt, especially since they moved in together. Living together, she learned just how gentle and caring he could be. Of course, whenever he's not whooping her ass or trying to rip her underwear. Even then, she liked his playful next whenever he would try to give her a wedgie, and how much he showed he cared whenever he had to spank her. She felt a warm connection between the two of them.

With these feelings starting to develop, Matt started to have some doubts. Does she really like me though? Is it just hormones going crazy since we moved in together? Do I have stronger feelings for her now since I've seen her ass? Was the kiss really to thank me for the spanking? If that was it, she wouldn't continue to kiss me right?

He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He was at work, realizing his pant started to get tighter the more he thought about Kayla.

He made a decision. When he got home, he was going to ask Kayla how she really felt. He hunkers down at his computer and tries to focus on his work.

When he gets home, he sees Kayla napping on the couch. He smiles at the way she looks cute while she sleeps; mouth wide open, snoring, lying on her tummy.

He throws down his backpack, sitting beside her. He sees her black waistband sticking out of her leggings, his eyes following the faint panty lines that stretch across her bottom. He decides to give her a wake up call.

He lifts up the back of her leggings, grabbing her panties and lifts them slightly too to get a glimpse of her buttcrack. "Yup, still a cute ass" he mutters to himself with a smile. He grips her panties, giving a quick hard pull.

Kayla's eyes shoot open at the pain from the wedgie. "Ow! Hey!" She looks up at Matt. "Matty! Stop it I was sleeping!"

Matt laughs, letting go of her panties. "Haha, sorry. I just really needed to talk to you."

Kayla stuffs her panties back into her leggings, rolling to sit up beside him. "Hmm, what's up?"

"Well, I know we've been getting a lot closer since we moved in together. Not just closer friends, and closer in the sense that we've seen each other's asses. But how we've been flirty with each other and now we're kissing. I just wanted to know like, well do you like me as more of a friend?"

Kayla blushes at the question. "I....I think I do. I mean you've always been a sweet guy, but I feel like I've started to like you more since we've gotten closer."

Matt smirks. "So you do like it when I spank you and give you wedgies. Knew it."

Kayla giggles, slapping Matt's chest. "I never said that! I mean, being spanked by you really helps and I appreciate you for that. I feel like doing that has brought us even closer."

Matt nods. "I agree."

Kayla leans in closer to him, resting her hands on his chest. "What about you? Do you like me?"

Matt smiles as she starts laying herself on him. He lays back on the couch, pulling her closer to him. "Kayla. I think you're really beautiful. You're really funny and have a goofy personality, I like spending time with you, and those tiddies!"

Kayla busts out laughing. "Shut the fuck up!" She slaps his chest again.

Matt laughs. "But in actuality, I really do like you. And I want us to be more than friends."

Kayla gets a smirk on her face. "Well, we're already roommates. What more do you want?" She says teasingly.

Matt smirks, reaching around the smack her butt. "I think maybe you do like my wedgies. You seem to be begging for one." He starts reaching into her leggings.

Kayla starts laughing and rolling around to stop him from wedging her again. "Haha okay stop! Stop!" The wrestle around, switching positions where Kayla is laying on her back and Matt is over top of her. "Matty, I would love to be more than friends. Maybe even more than roomies."

"Hmmm boyfriend and girlfriend perhaps?" Matt says.

Kayla smiles, reaching behind him to smack his butt back. "We can work out the details when my lawyer makes the contract. But for now, I'm definitely your girl."

Matt smiles, leaning in to kiss her.

Kayla sucks on Matt's lip as they kiss, pulling him in closer. They pull away from the kiss and she smacks his butt again. "Okay, since you're my man now, I demand you go fetch me a brownie from the kitchen."

Matt smirks. He reaches towards the front of her leggings, finding her panties and giving her a front wedgie.

"Haha ow! Ow! Okay stop! Hehehe!" She giggles and tries to fight the wedgie.

Matt laughs, giving her panties a hard tug before letting go. "One brownie, coming right up baby." He stands and walks to the kitchen.

Kayla sits up, fixing her camel toe. Baby, she likes the way that sounded.

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