Sweet Sweet Revenge

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A few weeks had gone by since Matt and Kayla had moved in together, and the barren apartment they had moved into was starting to feel more like a home. Kayla spent a lot of time (and maybe a little too much money) putting up decorations, pictures, scented candles all over the place, and she began to feel more comfortable.

Matt focused most of his decorations in his own room, mainly because Kayla shot down a lot of his ideas. Apparently a neon Budweiser sign he found at a flea market wouldn't look good with her potted plants hung up on the wall.

Over the past few weeks, Matt was taking it easy on Kayla's undies and bottom, not really bullying her since the first week they moved in. But Kayla still had a taste for revenge, and was starving for it.

Over the years, they've both given each other their fair share of wedgies, especially when they were little kids. But Matt usually ended up on top since he was the stronger and bigger one. Kayla wanted to prove that she isn't the same little girl she was before and give Matt some sweet payback.

She was sitting at her desk in her room, completing a college assignment and decided to take a break to refresh her mind. She started smelling something from the kitchen. Matt was probably starting dinner. She gets up from her desk and heads out into the main area of the apartment, seeing Matt in the kitchen.

Matt looks up. "What's up bestie? How's the homework coming along?"

Kayla smiles. "It's nearly done. Just wanted to take a quick break. What are you making?" She walks into the kitchen, seeing Matt is wearing a marching band from back in the high school days, and blue plaid pajama pants.

"Making some chicken Alfredo. Hope that's alright, I've been craving it lately."

Kayla nods. "Of course! Sounds good." She opens the fridge, pulling out a soda. She turns and looks at Matt's pants, starting to get an idea. "I hope you're making garlic bread too."

"I wouldn't make pasta without it! I'll put it in the oven before dinner is finished."

"Mmhm, mmhm." Kayla half pays attention to what he's saying and she starts to walk towards him.

In the blink of an eye, Kayla grabs the legs of Matt's pants and yanks them down.

Matt is startled by his pants being yanked down, looking down at his blue boxer briefs being exposed. "Hey! What was-"

Before he can finish, Kayla grabs his underwear and starts pulling them. "Payback motherfucker!!" She pulls his underwear with both hands, laughing hard.

Matt's underwear don't go very high, but still grip his cheeks as they are wedged into his crack. "Hey! Cut that out! I'm trying to cook here!"

Kayla continues to laugh, starting to smack his butt. She can't deny, he had some jiggle behind those tight underwear.

The spanks sting slightly, Kayla being too weak to give an effective spanking. Matt reaches back to try to block his butt. "Okay okay! You got your revenge! Now let me go!"

Kayla giggles as she gives another hard tug. "Aw Matt, you're acting like you got something up your butt. Maybe I should help you with that!" Instead of just letting go of his wedgie, she yanks the back of his underwear down, exposing half of his bare ass.

She gives him another smack on his bare cheek, before letting go of his underwear and running away.

"Get back here!" Matt tries to grab her, but like a little rat, she escapes from his reach as she runs into her room, locking the door. Matt smirks and shakes his head as he fixes his underwear. "That little dork." He adjusts his underwear and pulls his pants back up.

Kayla is giddy, unable to control her giggling as she's feeling proud of herself.

A few minutes pass by and Matt knocks on the door. "Dinners ready. You can come out of hiding now you little rat."

"I'm not coming out unless you promise me you won't hurt me! I got my revenge fair and square!" She tells through the door.

"I can't make any promises I can't keep." Matt says with a smirk. "Just get out here before the food gets too cold."

Kayla tightens and ties the drawstring of her own black pajama pants before cracking the door. "Promise me. I just wanted revenge."

Matt smirks as he sees her peeking her eye through the doorway. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you....today. How about that?"

Kayla smiles and opens the door more. "I can accept that." She walks out of her room finally.

Matt goes to the kitchen and fixes the two of them a plate.

Kayla stands by, smiling as he prepares her meal for her. "I gotta admit, you do have a cute butt." She says, blushing as she admits this.

Matt looks up at her surprisingly, and smiles back. "Well thank you. It's not as cute as your butt though." He reaches over, giving her a quick pat on the butt.

Kayla reels back at the smack. "DON'T!"

Matt laughs. "Quit being paranoid! I was just giving you a compliment!" He hands her her plate of Alfredo and garlic bread. "Now go sit your cute ass at the table and eat your food!"

She gets a strange feeling with the way he commands her like that. It was almost hot the way he said it. She takes the plate. "Hmm, yes sir." She replies sarcastically, sticking her tongue out.

Matt chuckles, grabbing his plate and following her to the dining table. They sit across from each other and eat mostly in silence. Kayla catches herself looking at Matt's face while he's eating. Smiling and looking away as he glances up at her.

She isn't realized it until recently, but he's grown to be a good looking guy.

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