Matt's Birthday Part 3

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The couple walks back into the apartment carrying their bags of clothes they got from the mall.

"I'm ready go get out of this dress!" Kayla says.

"I'm ready for you to get out of that dress too." Matt replies in a flirty tone.

Kayla shakes her head, giving him an annoyed smirk. "I'm going to change into comfy clothes. You should try on your new panties."

Matt smirks. "Well, you better hold off on trying your new panties on. I'm feeling grabby right now."

Kayla giggles, smacking Matt's butt. "Get outta here! Go change!"

Matt laughs, taking his clothes into his room. He strips down naked, opening one of the packs of underwear Kayla bought him. He decides to try on the white pair of boxer briefs. He likes the way they make his legs look, and they were pretty comfortable. He throws on a different shirt and black shorts, letting his shorts sag a little bit to let the Calvin Klein logo show.

In her room, Kayla steps out of her dress, searching or something comfy but light to wear. She knows Matt wont let her keep it on very long. She unclips her bra, sliding it off her body, then pulls on white pajama shorts that practically look like men's boxers, and a white tshirt. She looks in the mirror, noticing her nipples showing through her shirt clear as day. She's unbothered by it, knowing it's just her and her boyfriend.

She walks out into the living room, seeing her boyfriend standing in the kitchen. "Did you try on your new panties?"

Matt turns to her, lifting his shirt slightly to show the waistband of his underwear. "What do you think?"

Kayla smiles. "Looking really sexy baby. You could be an underwear model."

Matt laughs. "I think I'll stick to my office job." He grabs 3 pieces of paper that he had folded up. He shuffles them around and holds them out to Kayla. "Pick one."

Kayla rubs her lips, weighing out her options. She finally pulls the middle piece of paper, opening it and seeing the number 10 written on it. "10. What does this mean?"

Matt just smiles, picking up a quarter from the counter. "Heads or tails?"

Kayla giggles. "Uuuummmm....heads."

He flips the coin, and it lands on tails. "Jackpot!"

Kayla laughs. "What are you doing baby?"

Matt opens the other 2 pieces of paper, revealing the numbers 5 and 20 written on them. "Since you pulled the 10, that means you're getting a 10 minute spanking session. And I had you choose a side, and if you won you'd get spanked over your panties, and if you lost, you get spanked on your bare butt."

Kayla smiles. "Creative way of getting to spank me. Glad I didn't pick the 20 minute. But what are you using to spank me?"

"Just my hand. You'll see what I have in store for you when I give you my birthday spankings."

"Give ME YOUR birthday spankings?!" Kayla exclaims. "Isn't the 10 minutes the birthday spanking?"

Matt smirks and shakes his head. "The 10 minutes is just for fun. You still get 23 for my birthday."

"Should I be giving YOU the birthday spanking?" She says sarcastically.

"No no, I don't think it works that way. Besides, you look cuter over my lap than I do over yours."

Kayla can't help but to blush at being called cute, even over his lap. "Haha. Whatever the birthday boy wants."

Matt takes her hand, leading her into the living room and sits on the couch. He pulls out his phone and sets a timer. "Get'em down and get over my lap baby."

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