Settling In

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Matt and Kayla return back to the apartment in Matt's car, going inside to greet the friends that stayed over.

"Before I do anything, I need to change out of these jeans!" Kayla says, going into her bedroom. She closes and locks the door, not risking anyone "accidentally" walking in. She unbuttons her jeans and slides them off. She looks at herself in the middle, her black and pink panties slid down slightly when she took off her pants and couple inches of her buttcrack was showing. She pulled her undies up, noticing they were a little stretched out from the painful wedgie Matt gave her earlier. "Ugh" she groans to herself.

She digs through a box to find a pair of white pajama pants and slides them on, getting comfortable before going to help arrange the apartment.

She heads out of her bedroom, helping the boys find a good place to set up the couches.

Matt gets the TV stand set up, hooking the TV up and getting his Roku connected to the internet. "Aaannd we got internet boys!" They all go "wooo!" As they find something to watch on Netflix.

Not too long after, the pizzas Matt ordered arrived and they all decided to take a break to eat. They put on a movie and get seated with their food. Kayla sits down on the couch and Matt glares at her. "That's usually my spot on the couch, but I guess you can have it just this one time.

Kayla sticks her tongue out at him as he sits beside her, practically sitting on top of her. "Hey! Get your big bony butt off of me!" She says laughing, trying to slap his butt and slide him off of her.

"Bony?" Matt smirks as she attempts to smack his butt with her limp wrist. "I'll have you know I got an ass like Jennifer Lopez!" He slides off her lap, still sitting beside her.

Kayla rolls her eyes. "Yeah, sure sure."

The friends enjoy their meal together. After the movie is over, the helpers decide to head out. Matt walks them to the door, waving goodbye as they walk to their cars.

Kayla sees this as the perfect opportunity to try to get some revenge. She sneaks up behind him, lifting his shirt and trying to grab his underwear.

Matt closes the door, noticing his roommate trying to grab ahold of his Hanes waistband. He reaches back and grabs her hands. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm getting revenge for you wedging me!" Kayla says, trying to fight back to release her hands.

Matt smiles and turns to her, still keeping a tight grasp around her wrists. "Well, you definitely failed to do that. And since you tried to be sneaky, you gotta pay the consequences." He pulls her arms down, bending her over.

"Hey!" She says as she's bent over. She feels Matt's hand reaching into her pajama pants, grabbing her undies again. She feels them quickly shoot up her crack. "Ow! Aren't you tired of doing this?!"

Matt laughs as he wedgies her. "We've been friends for a long time. I could never get tired of wedging you! Especially since you're such an easy target." He releases her hands, giving her a playful smack on each cheek.

"Ow! No spankings!" She says at the smacks. She winces as he pulls her wedgie more, getting her undies halfway up her back. "You're stretching them out! Stop it!"

Matt laughs again before he finally lets her go, giving her a final smack on her butt. "Haha. There, I'll leave you alone for the night. I got stuff to unpack anyway before I pass out. You heading to bed soon?"

She grunts as she stuffs her hands down her pants, nodding her head at his question.

"Good. Get some rest, it's been a long day. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Mmhm. Good night." Kayla says, walking back to her room as she rubs her bottom.

Matt goes into his room and closes his door. His bed is already where he wanted it, so he takes some bedding from a box and starts laying the sheets out and setting the pillows out. He feels exhausted, stripping out of his shirt and shorts, leaving him in his black boxer briefs as he climbs into his bed.

Kayla lays in bed, rubbing her butt from the smacks and wedgies she just received. She should feel more embarrassed, but she's become accustomed to receiving this sort of treatment from Matt. She didn't love it, but didn't really hate it either. She knew it was part of his nature to lightly bully her, and has never taken it so far as to make her completely uncomfortable.

She rolls over in bed, closing her eyes to fall asleep. As she starts to drift off, she starts receiving vivid memories from her childhood.

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