Flashback: Backfired Prank

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Kayla was 9 at the time, Matt being 11.

The two of them and some other friends were hanging out in a new by cul-de-sac, where there was a basketball hoop they liked to play around with.

They were playing shirts and skins, the skins team just being in their basketball shorts and shirts wearing their tshirts. Kayla sat in the grass beside the hoop with some other girls, chit chatting while the played basketball.

The boys decide to take a break for some water as they get to the midpoint to their winning score. Matt goes over beside the girls to pick up his water bottle and takes a swig. He ended up on the skins team, just standing in his red basketball shorts.

Kayla gets a funny idea and turns to the other girls. "Watch this."

Matt is distracted as he's smack talking about his sick basketball skills to his friends. He doesn't even realize Kayla is sneaking behind him.

She grabs his shorts, yanking them down to the ground being greeted by his Hanes tighty whities.

Matt feels his pants getting yanked down and looks down, his face instantly turning as red as his shorts are. "Hey!" He yells out, bending over to pull his shorts back up.

It's too late, as everyone already saw his dorky underwear and were beginning to laugh and tease.

"Nice tighty whities nerd!" His teammate tells him.

The girls all sit by giggling. Kayla stood by laughing. "I totally got you!"

Matt grunts, looking at her outfit choice of a pink tshirt and volleyball shorts. "Yeah well, let's see how you like it!" He grabs her, locking her in a head lock.

Kayla realizes she's instantly in trouble. "Wait wait no! Truce truce! I give up!" She pleads.

"Hey! Who wants to see Kayla's underwear next!?" He calls out. The boys start cheering him on, while the girls, while not protesting, sat by and watched.

Matt grabs her shorts with one hand, yanking them down and showing her bright tie dyed panties.

All the boys and girls start to laugh as Kayla's face turns red from her being pants. "Stop it Matty!"

Matt chuckles as he pulls her shorts back up. "You know what? I didn't get a good look at first. I need a second look." He reaches back into her shorts, grabbing her panties and giving her a wedgie.

"Wedgie! Classic!" His friend Ryan laughs out.

Kayla squirms around, fighting back at the wedgie.

Matt laughs and finally lets her go.

She stuffs her panties back into her shorts and pouts. "Hmm. Meanie!"

Kyle, one of the other friends, walks up to his 8 year old sister, pulling her off the ground. "I think you deserve one too!"

Sarah protests. "No no! Stop it! I'll tell mom!"

Kyle laughs, ignoring her threat and turn her around. He digs into her jeans, pulling out her purple floral printed panties.

The kids continue to laugh at the sight of her panties before Kyle lets her go.

Matt is grabbing his gut with how hard he's laughing. "Anyone else want to show off their underwear today??"

All the girls protest against it, as well as the guys, probably all also wearing tighty whities.

Steven is the only one who chimes in, pulling the side of his shorts down to show off his blue plaid boxers. "I'm wearing boxers!"

The kids continue chuckling. "Nice dude!" Matt says. "Alright, enough fooling around. Back to balling!"

"Alright tighty whities boy!" Kyle said, being greeted with a smack up the back of his head from Matt.

Kayla and Sarah go to sit back down with the girls.

"Ugh. That's so embarrassing!" Kayla said.

"Tell me about it. I hate wedgies!" Sarah replies.

The other 3 girls laughs. Samantha chime in. "Well if it makes you feel better, I'll show you my panties since the boys are distracted."

They all nod their heads eagerly. She gets up on her knees, pulling the side of her shorts down to show she's wearing plain white panties.

"Cute! Megan, your turn!"

Megan nods, getting up and pulling her waistband up. She had on green panties from Justice.  The girls all complimented her and turn to the final girl, Mandy, to take her turn.

Mandy, being the oldest of the group at 12, stood up bravely. "Hey boys!"

She grabs the attention of the boys, halting the game. She turns around, pulling down the back of her shorts and mooning them.

Well, not exactly mooning really. But showing off her whites panties with pink trim. "Get a load of this!"

They all hoot and holler as they get a free show. Sarah pulls her back to the ground. "Don't do that to them! They'll start expecting it of you!"

Mandy laughs as she pulls her shorts back over her butt. "Please. Matt is definitely the most embarrassed right now. It's okay for girls to wear white underwear, but it's nerdy when boys do it!"

The girls all laugh as the boys continue their basketball game.

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