Late Assignment

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Kayla was sitting at her desk, frantically typing away on her laptop.

Matt walks in, putting a hand on her shoulder and kissing her cheek. "Whatcha doing baby?"

"I'm trying to type this 5 page essay. I have so much work to do it's not even funny." She tells him, looking kind of stressed over it.

"Well no need to stress about it too much. I'm sure you have plenty of time to get it done right?"

Kayla looks up at him with a sort of guilty look. "It's due at midnight tonight."

Matt looks at the time at the corner of her computer. "Kayla it's 9pm right now. And you've only gotten 2 paragraphs done? Why did you procrastinate so long?"

She turns her head back to her computer. "I know I'm sorry. I don't know why I put it off so long but I'm getting it done now."

Matt shakes his head. He walks over to her dresser. "This is your underwear drawer right?"

She looks back at him. "Matt stop, I'm not in a mood to play around right now. I gotta get this assignment done."

He goes ahead and opens the top drawer, seeing an assortment of socks, bras, and panties. He rummages through, finding a pair of pink briefs, that seemed a bit older and baggy. He walks up to Kayla, holding them out to her. "Go put these on."

Kayla sighs. "Matt I'm serious! I don't want to play around!"

"I'm not playing. Go put these on, and make it quick. You clearly have no time to waste."

She sighs again, standing and taking the panties and walks into the bathroom. She pulls down her leggings and green panties, pulling the briefs on. She pulls her leggings back up, noticing a bundle of her panties sticking out over her leggings. She decides not to fix it, knowing Matt would have his hands on them anyway.

She walks back out, and Matt turns to her. "Come back over here."

She drags her feet walking towards her desk where Matt is.

Matt grabs her arm, giving her quick hard smacks on her bottom.

"Ow! Ow! Baby! Ouchies!"

He pulls her panties up slightly. "Sit back down in the chair."

She sits down, feeling her panties creeping up her bottom more. Matt pulls on her wedgie more, stretching her panties out over the back of the chair.

Kayla feels much discomfort and embarrassment being in this position. "Matthew, this is humiliating! I really need to get this done!"

"I know it's humiliating. But you're going to keep your panties over that chair until you finish your essay. Hopefully that will encourage you to get it done quicker."

She groans and whines. "Hmmm, I guess you're right."

Matt kisses her head. "I'll come check back up on you in about an hour. Don't even think about leaving this chair." He walks back to his room.

Kayla sights, her bottom stinging from the quick spanking, and the tight wedgie from her chair didn't help much. She was glad Matt was kind enough to make her change into older underwear that she doesn't mind being stretched for this punishment.

She hunkers down, working on her essay, flipping between research tabs and her word document to try to get it done quickly. Many times she was tempted to pull her underwear off the chair for a brief moment to relieve her pain, but didn't want to risk Matt walking in at the wrong moment and getting herself into more trouble.

Matt sits in his room watching a show on his computer. He checks the time, about an hour passing and decides to check up on his girl. He walks back to her room, seeing her still typing away on her laptop with her underwear stretched over the back on the chair.

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