Close Call

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Kayla was sitting on the couch, watching Netflix. She checks her phone and notices the time. "Oh shit." It was 10 minutes from when Matt was supposed to be home, and of course, the sink was once again full of dishes she hadn't done yet.

She quickly changed the TV over from her show to Spotify, putting on music, and rushes to the kitchen to do her chores.

A few moments later, Matt comes through the front door. He turns the corner to see Kayla washing the dishes. "Hey beautiful. How was your day?"

She looks up and smiles at him while she frantically tries to get the dishes done as soon as possible. "I'm baby! It was good, just finishing cleaning."

Matt walks into the kitchen, wrapping his hand around her hip and kisses her head. He looks down at the sink, nearly all the dirty dishes being done. "Well I'm glad you are getting it done without me having to remind you. I'm going to change and settle for a bit, then I'll start dinner, okay?"

Kayla smiles. "Sounds good!"

Matt goes into his room while Kayla finishes the dishes. Even though she nearly got them done before he got home, she still felt bad for procrastinating until the last minute to do it. Matt had warned her that if she forgot one more time, she'd get the whooping of a life time. Even though she was relieved that she dodged that, she still felt that she needed some sort of punishment for waiting so long.

She finishes putting the dishes away in the cabinets, thinking about what she should do. She finally walks to Matt's room, slowly opening the door. "Matty?"

Matt's sitting at his desk, completing some daily tasks in his video game. He turns to look at her. "What's up baby?"

She walks into the room, standing beside him and putting her arm around his shoulders. "I feel slightly...guilty."

"Guilty? For what?"

"Well, I did the dishes like you wanted me to. But I didn't remember to do them until 10 minutes before you got home. I feel like I got out of a bad punishment, but I feel like I still need to get some sort of punishment for procrastinating, and I'm willing to accept any punishment you decide on."

Matt turns to her, putting his hands on her hips, rubbing his hand over the tight material of her leggings. "I'm glad you were able to admit to your flaws. I'm not upset that you waiting until the last minute, but if you feel like you still need to be punished, we can talk about it more after dinner, okay?"

Kayla nods her head. "Yes sir."

"Okay. I'll start dinner soon. Do you have any studying you need to get done?"

Kayla nods again. "I need to read a chapter for my history class."

Matt leans his head forward and kisses her. "Go ahead and get it done. I'll call for you when dinner is ready."

"Yes sir." She shuffles out of his room into hers. She sits at her desk and opens her laptop and begins reading and taking notes. She felt nervous, not knowing what she's gotten herself into, but she suggested this herself and was willing to accept what she deserves.

After about half an hour, Matt comes into her room. "Dinners ready. Come and eat baby."

Kayla nods and comes out of her room. Matt already set out both their plates, grilled chicken and mashed potatoes was on the menu tonight. "It looks good baby." She smiles. "Thanks for cooking."

"You're welcome." He smiles at her, sitting across from her.

After the finish their meal, Matt collects the plates. "Go wait for me in my room. I'll be in there in a minute."

Kayla walks into Matt's room, sitting on his bed. After a few moments, Matt walks into the room. Kayla looks over at him, her heart sinking when she sees him holding her sworn enemy, the wooden spoon.

"Stand up please." He instructs her.

She stands up in front of him, hands folded in front of her.

"Just know that I'm doing this because you're disappointed in your own actions. I was going to let you off easy tonight, but you asked for this and I'm happy to deliver. You need to be more urgent when it comes to getting things done, and realize that if you got it done sooner, you won't have to rest and stress about doing it last minute."

Kayla nods. "I understand Matty."

Matt sits on his bed, setting the spoon to the side. "Go ahead and drop your leggings and come over my knee."

Kayla loops her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings, pulling them down. Her underwear comes down with them, naturally with her leggings being so tight, but she pulls them back over her bottom before lowering her leggings the rest of the way down to her knees. She lays over Matt's lap.

Matt rubs her bottom, smirking at the sight of her white Hanes panties. "Just casually wearing your wedgie underwear huh?"

Kayla smiles. "They're not wedgie underwear! They're just underwear! And they're really comfy!"

Matt chuckles. "Alright alright, they look good on you anyway." He pats her butt. "You ready?"

She wraps her arms around his leg. "Yes sir."

Matt starts swinging his hand, spanking her hard right out the gate.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ah! Ow!" Kayla squirms at the firm swats over her panties. She clinches her eyes shut, not wanting to cry already.

Matt grabs the waistband of her panties, pulling them up slightly to expose more of her cheeks as he keeps spanking. The sight of her pink buns is something he'll never get tired of seeing, whether it be for punishment or pleasure. He spanks her for a couple of moments, before stopping to pull her undies down.

Kayla whines as she feels her undies being lowered, sniffling. "I'm sorry Matty."

"Don't be sorry to me. Be sorry to yourself." He replies. He rubs her butt before he resumes spanking her hard.

"Owie! Ah! Aahh oooowwwww!" She starts to cry. The guilt starts to wash out of her, and she feels sorry for her own actions. She's ready for the spanking to be over with, regretting even bringing it up, but knows there's a little wooden devil waiting for his turn before she'll be let free.

Matt continues spanking her bare bottom, alternating each hard smack off of each cheek. He too was ready to get this punishment over with, wanting to just play video games the rest of the night. He spanks her for another moment, before stopping to rub her butt. "Have I spanked the guilt out of you yet?"

Kayla nods, sniffling and sobbing. "I-I think you have."

"Good." He picks up the spoon. "Now I need to make sure we lock the door behind him."

Kayla feels the small spoon rest against her bottom and tenses up. She was not looking forward to it at all. Before she can get a second thought in, she cries out to the sharp sting. "Aahh!"

Matt bounces the spoon off of each cheek, the tight sharp smacking sound echoed off of his walls. He kept a tight grip around her body to keep her in place. Her bottom slowly became more and more red with each smack.

Kayla cries and wiggled around against the spoon. She sobbed, wanting this to be over. Before she knew it, Matt had finally let up and set the spoon down to rub her butt.

He comforted her while she cried over his lap, before letting her stand back up. He stands beside her, giving her a tight hug. "I hope I taught you a good lesson."

Kayla nods while she cries into his shoulder. "Yes sir. You did. I'm so sorry I didn't get it done sooner."

"It's okay darling. Just be better with your time management next time." He kisses her head, rubbing her back.

Kayla bends down to pull her panties and leggings back up, giving Matt a kiss.

"I want to play video games for a bit. You do whatever you need to do now, and let me know when you're ready for bed, okay?"

Kayla nods. "Okay Matty." She gives him another kiss before waddling out of the room, rubbing her sore beaten bottom.

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