Too Much To Drink

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One of Matt's old high school friends who moved out of town came back to visit for a few days, and invited him and Kayla over for a small party. Matt was excited to catch up with one of his old friends, so he accepted the offer.

The party was going well, people standing around socializing with one another who hadn't seen each other in a long time. There was alcohol at the party, but Matt was keeping it light since he had to drive him and his girlfriend home.

Kayla however, was not keeping it light. And being a light weight, 1-2 too many mixed drinks and she was well past her limit. She was clinging on to Matt's arm as he talked to his friend, unable to stand straight or speak without her speech being slurred.

Matt was starting to get noticeably annoyed by her. "Baby, why don't you go have a seat? Kyle's wife is in the living room talking with the other girls, why don't you go join them?"

Kayla drunkenly looks up at him. "O-okay handsome." She smacks his butt over his jeans as she stumbles away.

Matt smirks, shaking his head trying to play it off. "She's still learning to handle her alcohol, I hope she holds off for the rest of the night."

"Is she going to be okay?" Kyle asks her.

"Yeah she'll be fine. If she sits down and drinks some water."

The conversation continues on, when Matt hears louder commotion coming from the living room. The two guys decide to go see what's going on, seeing Kayla sitting on the floor, chips and guacamole spilled on her shirt.

Kayla looks up at Matt. "Oopsie."

Matt shakes his head. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up. I'm sorry Kyle."

"It's alright man, shit happens. The bathroom is right down the hallway." He replies.

Matt takes Kayla's hand, picking her up off the ground and he walks her to the bathroom. He goes in with her, locking the door behind them before he turns to her. "What the fuck are you doing Kayla?"

"I'm...I'm sorry Matty." She says, unable to come up with an excuse.

"What were you even doing to end up like this?"

"Well, I went to get another drink, and I tripped and knocked over the snack plate on the coffee table."

Matt shakes his head. "No more alcohol for you tonight. The only liquid touching your lips tonight is water, understood? You need to learn how to control your alcohol."

"I do know how to control my alcohol!" Kayla says, trying to step towards him but stumbles.

"Kayla, you can't even walk straight. How much have you had to drink."

"That's none of your business! I'm a grown woman and I know my limits." She says with slurred speech.

"Apparently not. Because you're incredibly wasted."

"Hmm, whatever." Kayla pouts.

"Are you going to lose the attitude?"

"Are you going to stop acting like my dad?!" She raises her voice.

"You think I'm acting like your dad? Then I guess I'll treat you as such." He turns her around, bending her over the bathroom counter.

Kayla's eyes get wide. She reaches back to cover her butt. "Babe no! I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for sorry. You wanted to get snippy with me, and now I'm dealing with it." He moves her hand out of the way, and starts spanking her over her jeans.

"Ow! Ow!" She tries to hold back her yelps in pain. Luckily, the music drowns out the sound from behind the locked door. But Kayla still felt humiliated being spanked during a party.

Matt gives her a few more smacks before wrapping his hands around her waist to unbutton her jeans.

Kayla doesn't fight it, just pouts. "This isn't fair..."

"Not fair? You're embarrassing me and yourself, after I told you beforehand not to drink too much. And then you go and do it anyway and give me an attitude when I confront you about it." He slides her pants down, revealing her red Calvin Klein panties. He continues to spank her with a firm hand.

"Ow...ow...ow!...owie!" She whines out, keeping her hands flat on the counter. She knew the less she fought it, the shorter the spanking would be.

Matt keeps the spanking brief, but makes sure to get his point across with some hard smacks on her exposed skin. "Have I spanked the attitude out of you yet?"

Kayla whines and nods her head. "Yes sir. I'm sorry Matty."

"Alright, pull'em up."

Kayla pulls her jeans back over her sore bottom, buttoning them back on, then turns around as Matt grabs a towel to wipe her shirt. "I don't want anymore attitude tonight, and I don't want you to drink anymore. This is supposed to be a fun night, I didn't want to have to spend part of it spanking you in my friend's parent's bathroom."

Kayla lowers her head, watching him clean her up. "I'm really sorry Matty."

"I know you are. Just clean up your act a bit, so I don't have to spank you again when we get home. Understood?"

She nods her head. "I love you."

"I love you too baby."  He cleans up as much of the mess from her shirt as he can. He gives her a kiss, then wraps his arms around her to give her a tight hug.

Kayla lays her head on Matt's chest, hugging him back. "Do you think they heard us?"

"Would you rather them see it?"

Kayla giggles. "No. I'd rather the mystery remain in their heads."

Matt smiles. "Me too. This booty is for my viewing pleasure only." He says, giving her a playful pat on the bottom.

Matt gives her a moment to straighten herself up, fixing her hair in the mirror before they return to the party. The two of them both grab a water bottle and spend the rest of the night on the back patio, sitting at the table and just having conversation with friends. People kept giving Kayla awkward looks, and she couldn't tell if it was just the guacamole stains on her top or if they knew what had just happened in the bathroom. She didn't think too much about it as she rested her head on Matt's shoulder.

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