Strike Three

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Matt gets home from work, walking into the kitchen to once again see that the sink is full of dishes. He shakes his head. "Kayla! Come over here!"

Kayla hears Matt's voice, remembering she forgot to clean before he came home. "Shit shit shit shit shit" she climbs out of bed and scurries into the kitchen, seeing the disapproving look on Matt's face. "Matt I'm sorry, I was doing homework and got distracted and-"

Matt cuts her off. "I really don't want to hear any excuses right now. Just please come wash these right now and we'll talk later."

Kayla's head drops, knowing she's in trouble. "Yes sir..." she shuffles to stand in front of the sink and starts washing the dishes.

"Have you showered yet?" Matt asks her.

She shakes her head. "No, I was going to wait until before bed."

Matt walks into her room, which worries Kayla a bit, but she focuses on finishing her chore. She's got butterflies in her stomach, well, they feel more like crows at this point, anticipating what Matt had in store for her. This is the third time she's gotten in trouble for the same thing, and he warned her that she'd be in for one hell of a punishment. She can already start to feel her bottom sting, and he hasn't even touched her yet.

Matt comes out of her room. "I set out some clothes for you. After you're done, I want you to shower and change, understood?"

She nods. "Yes sir."

Matt walks up beside her, giving her a kiss before going into his own room.

Kayla dries the dishes off and puts them away before walking into her bedroom. Her heart sinks when she sees what Matt left on her bed.

On her bed laid an outfit neatly folded, laying beside her hair brush and his belt. She wanted to cry just from the sight of the belt laying on her bed. She knew what she was in for. She drags her feet to her bathroom, stripping down and climbing into the shower. She lets the hot water wash over her body while her mind is drawn to the hard spanking she was about to receive. The fact that Matt has gone nearly nonverbal and making her wait to receive her punishment has worried her more.

She gets out of the shower and dries off, going back to her bed to put on the outfit she was left. It was all white, white tshirt, white pajama shorts, and white briefs. Almost felt like a uniform. She gets dressed, using her hairbrush to brush out the tangles in her hair before setting it back where Matt left it.

She walks out of her room, seeing that Matt had ordered pizza while she was away. He looks up at her. "Come and eat."

She gives a soft smile, walking to the table to get food. "Thanks for dinner baby."

"You're welcome." He replies, not making eye contact with her. They eat at the table together silently. After they eat, Matt takes their dishes to the sink and starts washing them. "Wait in your room for me. I'll be there in a minute."

Kayla stands up and nods. "Yes sir." She goes into her room, sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for her punishment. She felt more nervous than she's ever felt before a punishment.

A few minutes later, Matt walks into her room and closes the door. "So, you understand what you're being punished for right? Or do we need to go over it?"

Kayla shakes her head. "No, I understand why. I'm really sorry Matty."

"Well, let's just get it over with then. Stand up."

Kayla stands as Matt sits down on the bed. He puts his hand on her back, laying her over him lap. Kayla feels her stomach churning as he rubs her bottom. He rubs small circles around her cheeks before he begins spanking her firmly. She clinches her eyes shut, her thin pajama pants not offering much protection. "Ow....ow.....ow...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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