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**Hey folks! Before this story begins I just want to say this chapter is sponsored by my new story, Megan's Exploration! You may remember Megan from a few chapters ago who got to experience her first spanking. And now, she's going down the rabbit hole to explore what she needs in her life! Check it out and let me know what you think!**


Matt was putting the finishing touches to his Halloween costume before leaving for a Halloween party. He got really creative this year, and by creative, he forgot about the party and had to put something together last second. He went to Walmart and found a pair of boxing gloves on sale, as well as a very bright and floral Hawaiian shirt, and decided he was going to be Hawaiian Punch. He finished writing "FUCK KOOL-AID" on a piece of paper when he heard Kayla coming from her room.

Kayla had not forgotten about the party and was really excited to show off her costume finally. She walks out of her room in a tight Catwoman costume, complete with the eye mask and cat ears. She does a twirl, smiling at Matt. "What do you think?"

Matt's eyes were glued to how the leotard looked clinging to Kayla's body, perfectly accenting her perfect booty. "I feel underdressed now."

Kayla giggles, stepping up to Matt to give him a kiss. "You look good in this shirt though. You should wear Hawaiian shirts more often."

Matt gives her a smirk. "No way in hell. This is NOT my style at all."

Kayla giggles again. "Should've prepared better. We could've been Batman and Catwoman, the ultimate power couple costume."

"Yeah, that would've been cute. And this would've made more sense." He grabs her shoulders, bending her over the table.

"Hey!" She lets out. "What are you doing?!"

Matt smirks. "I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to spank Catwoman." He starts spanking her playfully hard.

"Owie! Ow!" She lets out a playful scream. "Knock it off! Heheh, we're gonna be late!"

Matt chuckles. "No I think we've got plenty of time for this, my beautiful sidekick." He keeps spanking her. He notices her panty lines, mind now racing with what she could have on underneath.

Kayla giggled and moans at the playful spankings. She should've known better, knowing if she wore something sexy around Matt that she'd pay for it. She feels the spanking stop, then hears the zipper behind her start to unzip. "What are you doing?!"

"I've always wondered what kind of panties Catwoman would wear. Time for me to find out!" Matt says, starting to unzip her suit.

Kayla reaches back to try to stop him. "Stop! It took forever to get this on, don't take it off!"

"I'm not taking it off no just want a little peak." He pulls the zipper down to her lower back, already seeing the yellow waistband of her panties. "Is this what I think it is?"

Kayla blushes. "Matty please!"

Matt grins, grabbing her panties and pulling them out of her body suit, revealing the black material with yellow Batman logos. "I knew it! Hahaha" he laughs as he wedgies her.

"Owie!" She cries out at the wedgie. She knew if she had wore them with this costume Matt would tease her for it, but it was too cute of a combo for her to pass up. "Quit it!" She giggles out.

Matt laughs, pulling her wedgie with one hand and spanking her with the other. "I DEFINITELY should've gotten a Batman costume. This would've been perfect!"

Kayla giggles. "Come on! This is going to be a pain to pick out!"

Matt chuckles, giving a few more hard smacks before letting her go.

She stands up, trying to adjust her panties, struggling to do so with how tight the leotard is. "Ugh! I can't pick it!"

Matt laughs. "Alright come here." Matt puts a hand around her waist, sliding his hand down the back of her leotard to try and pick her undies from her crack, smoothing the material over her bottom.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, having Matt pick out her wedgie, but Kayla didn't hate it. After her panties are in their original spot, or as close as they'd get, she pulls her hair to the side as Matt zips her suit back on.

"There, as good a new. No one will even know you have a red butt or Batman panties on underneath."

Kayla playfully punches his chest. "Cut that out!"

Matt chuckles. "Help me take this sign to my shirt. We gotta go."

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