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Matt parks his car in front of his apartment, feeling exhausted after a long day at work. He climbs out of his car and into the apartment. He passes the kitchen, seeing the sink was still full of dishes. He had asked Kayla to wash them before he got home, given that she had the day off of work and got home from college hours before he did.

He walks over to Kayla's room, knocking on the door. "Kayla? I'm home."

Kayla is lying on her bed, under a blanket while on her laptop. She turns her head and smiles. "Hey! How was work today?"

"It was okay, bit of a long day. I noticed all of the dirty dishes are still in the sink..." He mentions.

"Oh! Sorry! I'll get to them, I just got distracted with a math assignment."

"Okay, well, this is the second time I'm asking you. I'm going to take a nap, then I wanna make dinner. So make sure they're done by then okay?"

Kayla smiles and nods. "I got it! Enjoy your nap."

Matt retires to his bedroom, taking off his uniform and sliding a pair of basketball shorts over his grey boxers. He lays in his bed, opening a YouTube video on his phone before drifting off to sleep.

He wakes up, checking his phone to see that he had slept for 2 hours. He sits up in bed and stretches. That long nap should've been plenty of time for Kayla to complete the one chore she was assigned, right?

He climbs out of bed, throwing on a shirt and walks out of his room. He goes to the kitchen to grab a water bottle, noticing the dishes in the sink remained untouched. He shakes his head and walks to Kayla's room.

Kayla had moved from her bed to her desk, still on her laptop.

"Kayla!" Matt says.

Kayla is startled by Matt abruptly calling her name. "Yes?"

"I asked you to clean the dishes 2 hours ago! And you haven't even touched them!"

"I know! I'm sorry, I'll do it right now!" She stands up and tries to walk out of her room but is stopped by Matt.

"You know the rule. I asked you three times. You're out of warnings."

Kayla whines, remembering the deal she made with him. "Matty! I'm sorry! Just let me through and I'll do it right now."

"Nope." Matt quickly said shaking his head. "A deal is a deal. Go ahead and bend over your desk."

Kayla whines, wanting to fight it. But she obeys orders, putting her elbows down on her desk and sticking her butt out.

Matt stands beside her, grabbing her shorts and pulling them down to reveal her white brief panties.

Kayla feels embarrassed, nearly reaching back to stop him from pulling her shorts down, but stops herself, leaving her arms where they were.

Matt puts a hand on her back and lines up his other hand to her left buttcheek. He then reels back his hand, landing it firmly on her bottom.

Kayla winces at the smack. "Ow...." Before she knew it, more smacks began to land on her butt. She found it harder to stay still being bent over than when she was over his lap. He must've picked up a rhythm quickly from the last spanking she received because he kept a steady hard pace on her backside.

The sounds of the swats echoed off of Kayla's walls, along with her cries and "ow's", with Matt remaining speechless during the spanking.

Matt focused his view on her bottom, watching how it jiggled through her undies at each smack. He wanted to tease her over the dorky briefs, but decided he needed to remain firm while punishing her. She had enough on her ass to deal with.

Matt pauses the spanking, rubbing her bottom. "Are you feeling sorry for yourself?"

Kayla nods. "Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"I know you had school work to do, but given the amount of free time you had today, you could've taken 30 minutes out of your day to do the one chore you had to do today. I want like you being lazy and ignoring my requests."

"I know, I'm really sorry."

Matt rubs her bottom a little more, before grasping the waistband of her panties. "I want to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Kayla feels her panties being lowered, clinching her legs together to not give Matt a view of what's between her legs. She felt that they were getting closer, but she wasn't ready for that yet.

Matt lowers her panties and they fall down to her ankles. He rubs her bare bottom, glowing pink from the hand spanking, and resumes the punishment.

The smacks burn more on her bare skin. Kayla starts to whine louder with a tear escaping her eye. She stares forward, trying to keep still as she's getting whooped.

Matt notices how tightly she is keeping her legs together, occasionally clinching her cheeks together at the harder smacks on her thighs. He can tell she's sensitive about showing her private region. Though he was curious to get a peek, he felt it was better to just focus only on her cheeks and not try to force her to spread her legs out.

Kayla cries softly as Matt rounds out the spanking with a few harder swats.

"Okay." Matt said. "You can pull your panties up now." He looks away, giving her some privacy to bend over.

She noticed him looking away, quickly bending to pull her panties back up and around her waist.

Matt takes her by the hand. "Come with me." He walks her out into the kitchen, standing her in front of the sink. He takes the leg holes of her panties, pulling them up between her cheeks to expose her red skin. He gives her a quick smack. "You stand here, just like that, while you wash these dishes. When you're finished, I'll think about whether or not you can have your shorts back."

Kayla nods, feeling embarrassed not only having a wedgie, but her red butt being out on display. "Yes sir."

Matt gives her another quick smack on the butt while she starts washing the dishes.

Once she's finished cleaning the dishes, which took just over 15 minutes, Matt walks up to her, holding her folded shorts in his hand. "Your pantaloons, madam."

Kayla smiles, taking them from him. "Thank you." She picks out her wedgie before sliding her shorts up her legs.

Matt waits until she adjusts her shorts before giving her a hug. "Please have a bit more urgency when I ask you to do something. I'm starving, and the last thing I wanted to do was wait for you to wash the dishes before I was able to cook."

Kayla nods, hugging him back. "I know. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Just try to do better next time. I'm going to start making dinner, I'll let you know when it's done, okay?"

Kayla nods, being released from the hug. She rubs her butt as she stumbles back to her bedroom.

Roommate RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now