Business Trip

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Matt had to leave town for a few days to do a presentation for his job. It was the longest he had been away from Kayla since they moved in together. They spent practically every day together, sleeping in the same bad almost every night. Kayla slept in his bed every night he was gone to be able to have his scent nearby to sleep more comfortably.

Whenever Matt wasn't busy making business contacts or being in meetings, he was typically texting with his girlfriend.

Kayla: what time is your presentation?

Matt: it's in about 20 minutes. I'm a little nervous.

Kayla: you'll be great! Don't let the fact that they're corporate overlords scare you! They're just regular people, just like me. And you've shown me the presentation enough times to where I memorized every word.

Matt: lol. Well if you've memorized it then you should come do the presentation for me.

Kayla: I wish. I miss you.

Matt: I miss you too baby. I can't wait to fly home tomorrow.

Kayla: me neither. My butt doesn't feel right without your hand gripping it.

Matt: 😂 I definitely miss that the most.

Kayla: what would you do to my butt if you were home right now? 😏

Matt: ❌ no horny talk. I gotta focus on work. I gotta get this presentation set up. I love you baby.

Kayla: I love you too 💙 good luck!

Matt sets up his laptop in the conference room, making sure the audio and video was working properly before the viewers showed up.

During his presentation, he could feel his phone vibrating like crazy in his pocket. He didn't let him distract him as he continued the presentation.

The higher ups were impressed with his presentation and knowledge. He even got congratulated by his boss for doing a great job.

Once he's gotten away from the higher ups, he checks his phone. He sees notifications from Kayla, with multiple videos and a text that reads "don't open your texts until you're alone."

"Oh, this'll be good." He says to himself and puts his phone back into his pocket.

After getting dinner with his colleagues, he finally returns to his hotel, changing out of his work clothes and putting on more comfortable clothes, tshirt and shorts.

He finally takes his phone out to see what Kayla had sent him. He opens the first video.

Kayla props the phone up on her dresser, her wearing his shirt and loose sweats, her typical comfy home clothes. There's music playing in the background as she dances along to it. As she's dancing, she grabs the bottom of the shirt, lifting it over her head to reveal her black bra.

She continues dancing, moving her hips in a way that mesmerize Matt. She turns her back to the camera, sliding down her sweats to reveal her cheetah print boy shorts, and the video ends.

"Oh this is great." Matt says with a smile.

He lays on the bed, hitting play on the second video.

She's holding the phone, on her knees in front of her standing mirror. She reaches behind her, grabbing the waistband of her own panties, and starts to slowly pull them up.

Matt feels himself getting hard as he watches his girlfriend wedgie herself, getting her undies halfway up her back. She flips the camera and sets it down, reaching over her own shoulders to grab her panties and pulls them harder. She lets go of her panties, leaving them bunched up above her cheeks, and the video ends.

Matt hits play on the 3rd video.

Kayla had picked out her wedgie, now holding her hairbrush in her hand, rubbing it against her bottom. She gave herself a smack with the brush, moaning at the impact.

Matt couldn't help himself. Her turned to the nightstand of the bed, grabbing a couple tissues and lowering his shorts and underwear.

He continued to watch as she continued spanking herself, being more sensual and slow with her smacks. She giggles after a few smacks. "Do you like that?" She asks.

"Yes I do." Matt answers the video with a grin.

The video ends, and he quickly moves to the next one, starting to occupy himself as he hits play.

This video, she had the wooden spoon in her hand. She sets it down, unhooking her bra with one hand, letting it slide off of her chest.

"Oh fuck" Matt mutters to himself as he watches.

Standing topless in the mirror, she turns to show her booty again, picking up the spoon and smacking herself with it. "Mmf" she moans at the sharp smack. She turns her bottom more towards the mirror, bending over before giving herself another hard smack. "Uh!" The video ends.

There was one last video left. Matt quickly hits play on it.

Kayla had set the phone up on her desk. She walks over to her bed, bending over and lining the spoon up to her panty covered bottom. She starts giving herself smacks with it. "Mm...mmm....uh....ow...." She moans out at each smack.

She puts the spoon down, reaching up to pull her panties down. Matt feels himself getting close as she exposes her bare butt.

She pulls them all the way to the ground, leaving her fully naked. She bends back over and picks up the spoon. She starts to spank herself harder.

"Uh!....uh!.....owie!.....mmmf!" She moans louder at the sharp stings.

This goes on for about a minute, turning her own bottom bright pink.

Matt can't hold it anymore, unleashing his loud into the tissues he had grabbed. He feels all the tension from the business trip releasing from his shoulders, relaxing after he had just busted watching his girlfriend spank herself with an implement she swore she hated.

She gives herself a few last smacks before standing up, rubbing her butt. She then turns to the camera, walking closer and kneeling down to smile. "I think I'm holding back against myself. I think you need to finish the job when you get home." She reaches for her phone and the video ends.

Matt immediately goes back to his text conversation with her.

Matt: don't fucking taunt me when I'm out of town.

Kayla: 😂😂😂❤️

Matt: that ass is mine when I get home tomorrow. Just you wait.

Kayla: I'll be ready for it baby ❤️

Matt smiles, going back through the videos to watch them again.

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