Frisky Sleepover Part 3

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"Truth or dare?" Matt asks. "What are we middle schoolers?"

Megan laughs. "Come oooonn! It'll be fun! We haven't hung out like this in forever, it'll be just like old times."

Matt looks at Kayla. "What do you say?"

Kayla looks at Matt with a smile, nodding her head. "I'll be fun!"

Matt sighs and smirks. "Alright, but you're going first miss talkative. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Megan says.

"Since you're so nosy, have YOU been spanked before?"

Megan smiles. "I didn't get spanked growing up thankfully. I've tried it out with some guys I've hooked up with at college."

"And what did you think?"

"I don't know, it's kind of hot. None of them really spanked me hard enough to get much of reaction out of me."

"I see." Matt says.

"Alright your turn. Truth or dare?" Megan asks Matt.

"I'll do truth as well."

"How long have you had a crush on Kayla?"

Matt looks at Kayla, with a smile. "Probably since middle school honestly. I've always thought she was cute, and it took living together for me to realize that she's the one I wanted to be with."

"Well that's cute." Megan says with a smile. She turns to Kayla. "Truth or dare girly?"

"Truth." She answers, not feeling brave enough to do a dare yet.

"How do you feel about all the wedgies Matt's given you over the years?"

Kayla blushes, knowing Megan would ask something stupid like that. "I mean, growing up I thought it was a little annoying, still do sometimes. But overall I know he's just having fun. He's not really causing any harm."

Megan nods and smiles. "Good answer."

Kayla smiles. "Okay Megan. Truth or dare?"


"Since you decide to keep bringing it up, I dare you to let me give you a wedgie!" Kayla says laughing.

"Oh this will be good." Matt says, taking a swig of his beer.

Megan laughs, getting up on her knees, turning her back to Kayla. "Go for it!"

Kayla gets on her knees and waddles up behind Megan. She reaches into her pajama pants, grabbing her lacy panties, pulling them up hard.

"Eeee! Megan screams out as they all laugh. Kayla gives her another hard tug before letting her go. "Owie. I forgot how that felt." She says.

"Yeah, remember when I gave you a wedgie in gym class?" Matt asks.

"Yeah, in 6th grade?" Megan says, picking her underwear out of her butt. "Right in front of my crush? I'll never forget how humiliating it was."

"Humiliating? You didn't like it when he got a glance at your pink hello kitty panties?" Matt teases her.

"Shut the fuck uuuupppp." Megan replies, starting to get uncomfortable.

Matt laughs, knowing he finally won in the uncomfortable game.

Kayla giggles. "Okay Matty. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to take a double shot!"

"More drinking? Don't twist my arm." Matt pours vodka into his and Kayla's glass, knocking them both back. "Ah shit that burns. I guess it's my turn again. Truth or dare Megan?"

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