Flashback: Speeding Ticket

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16 year old Kayla pulls her car into the driveway and puts in in park. She takes off her seatbelt, letting out a shaky sigh.

She just received her first speeding ticket. She was going 40 in a 25 zone. She knew if she told her parents she'd be in trouble, but if she tried to hide it from them she'd be in even bigger trouble.

She weighed out her options, then turns off the car, grabbing her bag and walking into her house. Both of her parents are sitting in the living room watching tv. She tries to avoid eye contact, unable to hide the very guilty look on her face.

Her mom notices her look. "Kayla, what's wrong baby? You look worried?"

Kayla reaches into her back, pulling out the ticket the police officer gave her. She shuffles towards her parents holding it out.

Her dad recognizes the ticket, feeling his heart sink. He takes it from her and reads it. "40 mph in a 25 Kayla!?" He raises his voice.

Kayla holds her hands together in front of her with her head down. "I'm sorry daddy."

Her mom shakes her head in disappointment. "You've only had your license for 3 months, and you're already being irresponsible. I knew we should have waited a bit longer."

Kayla doesn't look up from the ground. "I'm sorry I just, wasn't paying attention to the road signs. I won't do it again."

"I know you won't do it again." Her dad replies. "And I'm going to make damn sure of it too. Give me your phone, now."

Kayla reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, grabbing her phone and handing it to him.

He takes the phone. "Now go upstairs and wait for me. I'll come talk to you in a minute."

She nods her head, making her way upstairs into her room. She sits on the edge of her bed, hands on her lap, unable to play on her phone to distract her from thinking of her inevitable fate.

After a few moments, she hears her down open. She looks up to see both parents entering her room. She stands up in front of them.

Her mom takes lead. "We're both very disappointed in you young lady. Not only was it a very irresponsible action that me and your father have to pay for, but it is also going to affect our insurance costs, and now it's going to affect your driving record. If you get caught again you could lose your license."

Kayla nods her head. "I understand. I'm sorry mom."

"Well, in this case sorry isn't enough. You need to be taught a lesson so you never do this again."

Her mom sits down on the edge of the bed, which made Kayla worry even more. Her mom rarely ever spanked her. But if she did, it always meant it was just a warm up for her dad to get his turn.

"Pull down your pants and come across my lap." Her mom instructs her.

Kayla whines as she unbuttons her jeans. She pulls them down, revealing her blue and white striped panties, then lays across her mother's lap. Her mom had a similar petite build as her. It felt weird being over her small lap.

Her mom begins spanking her with her hand. Kayla starts to feel the sting on her bottom growing, hissing and whining at the hard smacks. She could feel her dad's eyes watching her, standing cross armed on the other side of the room. The disapproving presence in the room made Kayla feel ashamed for her actions. She had no clue what her father had in store for her.

Her mother continues to spank hard, causing Kayla's bottom to glow bright pink. Kayla doesn't squirm much from the spanking, but her mom still secured her arm on around her waist to hold her still.

After a couple moments, her mom stops spanking, leaving Kayla red bottomed and lightly crying. "Alright baby, stand up."

Kayla stands, sniffling and wiping away tears on her face.

Her mom stands, and her dad takes her spot on Kayla's bed. "Alright, let's get this over with."

Kayla lays across her dad's lap, unfortunately a more familiar position to be in as he puts his much larger hand on her hip. She feels his spanking hand rest on her bottom.

"I don't ever want to see you come home with another speeding ticket again, you hear me?"

Kayla whimpers. "Yes sir."

He lands the first hard smack, causing Kayla to cry out. "Aaah! Owie!" He continues to land hard smacks over her panties, making Kayla cry even harder and kick her feet around. "Daddy I'm sorry! Ow! Owie! Dad! Ow!"

Her bottom becomes a darker shade of pink beneath her underwear, showing slightly on her sit spots. She claws at her bed sheets at the harsh spanking.

After a couple moments of spanking he finally lets up, rubbing his open hand in circles around her bottom. Kayla sobs into her sheets, feeling guilty and defeated.

"We're not done yet sweetie. Stand up." Her dad instructs her.

She stands up, leaving her hands at her sides. Her dad stands, instructing her to bed over the bed. Kayla leans over her bed, resting her weight on her elbows and sticking her butt out.

She hears the clanging on his belt and instantly begins sobbing harder.

"I don't want to have to do this again, and I want to be sure of it." Her dad says. He holds the belt up to her bottom, reeling it back and landing it hard.

"OOW!" Kayla cries out. She grips her bedsheets tightly, pressing her face into her bed.

The belt swats continue to rain down. She tries to keep count of the swats, but after 5, she was distracted by her crying and trying to maintain position to continue counting. She was grateful that she got to keep her panties on for this punishment, but feels it wouldn't make much of a difference with how much it already hurt her bottom.

The spanking finally ends, Kayla assuming she got 16 swats since he typically gives the same amount as her age whenever he had to use the belt.

"Get up baby." Her dad says.

Kayla slowly stands up straight, turning to him. His arms are open, and she falls into them as he embraces her tightly.

"It's more than just the ticket and money. It's about your safety Kayla. What if there was another driver not paying attention and you got into a car accident? Would you rather come home and get spanked or not come home at all?" He asks her.

Kayla sniffles and blubbers out. "I-I'd rather get the spanking. I'm sorry daddy."

Kayla's mom stands behind her, rubbing her back. "The rules and speed limits are set for a reason. We need you to be more responsible. I couldn't imagine losing my baby because she didn't follow traffic laws."

"I know. I'm really really sorry." Kayla says.

"I know baby." Her mom says. "But for now, your driving is going to be restricted. Only to school and back unless we say otherwise. And if you get another ticket, we're taking your license away until you graduate. Understood?"

Kayla nods. "Yes mommy."

Her dad kisses the top of her head before releasing her from the hug. "Get changed and settled. I'll call you down when dinner is ready. You can have your phone back after dinner."

She nods. Her mom gives her a tight hug before they both exit the room.

Kayla kicks her jeans from her ankles. She turns and looks in the mirror, rubbing her beaten bottom. She lowers her panties to see how red her butt is. It's as red as her face had gotten from crying. She pulls her panties back up, going to her dresser to get a loose pair of shorts, sliding them on before laying on her side on her bed. She continues to cry softly as she rubs her bottom from a well deserved spanking.

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