Birthday Gifts

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Matt set up cups and plates out on the kitchen counter, getting ready for the people that they were having over tonight.

Today was Kayla's birthday, turning the big 2-0, and they decided to invite people over for a birthday party.

Matt is checking the status of his pizza order when Kayla comes out of her room, makeup done, wearing a flowy black dress. She does a quick spin and smiles at Matt. "How do I look?"

Matt smiles at her. "Absolutely beautiful."

She walks up to him as he pulls his arm around her waist, giving her a kiss. Matt looks at what he's wearing, black jeans and hoodie. "I feel like I'm under dressed."

Kayla giggles. "We match! You're dressed fine. It's my birthday anyway." She steps away from him. "When's everyone coming over?"

"I told them to be here around 7. Pizza should be here soon, and there's enough vodka in the fridge to kill a moose."

Kayla smiles. "I'm excited. I haven't seen some of these people in a long time."

Matt nods. "It'll be the first time we see them since we started dating. I'm sure none of them will be surprised."


Some time had gone by and all of the friends had shown up. Music was playing, drinks were being poured, empty pizza boxes scattered around the trash can.

Matt was having a good time getting to see old friends. As expected, none of them were surprised that him and Kayla were together now. They all sense chemistry between the two for the longest time, even begging them at times to get together.

Kayla walks away from her work friends, solo cup in her hand, to greet Matt. She kisses him on the cheek and smiles at him. Her stance was a bit wobbly. "Are you having fun baby?"

Matt smiles at her. "I'm having a great time. You look like you are too."

"I'm having SOOO much fun! I love everybody who came!"

Matt looks at the cup in her hand. "How much have you had to drink tonight baby?"

She looks at her cup and smirks. "Just a couple."

"We'll be careful. I'm already being risky buying alcohol for people under 21, and I know you're a light weight. Please don't over do it."

Kayla shakes her head. "I'm not overdoing it! It's my birthday and I'm just enjoying myself!

Matt smirks as he puts his arm around her. "Okay. Go have some fun." He pats her on the butt and sends her off.

Some more time had gone by, the party settling down a bit as the friends gather around the couch to play jackbox on the tv.

Kayla was standing in the kitchen, body pressed against Matt's as she runs her finger over his chest. "Thank you for throwing me a party Matty." Her speech was slurred.

Matt, slightly concerned. "I think you need to sober up a bit. Have you had any water?"

"There's water in lemon drops right?" She says giggling.

Matt smirks and shakes his head. "That doesn't count and you know it."

Kayla rests her head on Matt's chest. "Sure it does. Lemonade is lemon water, so it's good for you."

Matt rubs her back with a smile. "I think I know a good way of sobering you up. Come with me." He takes her hand and guides her into the living room.

"Hey everyone! Before everyone heads home, I think I owe Kayla a special birthday gift!" He lifts his leg up on the coffee table, pulling Kayla over his knee.

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