Frisky Sleepover Part 2

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The group comes back to the apartment after getting dinner. Megan sets her purse down on the couch. "That was sooo good. But I'm ready to get out of these jeans!"

Kayla giggles. "Yeah, I want to put some PJs on."

"You wanna come change with me? It's your room after all, and it's not like I haven't seen you in your undies before." Megan asks.

Kayla giggles nervously. "Oh, yeah, sure. Matty, can you put my leftovers in the fridge?"

Matt nods. "Don't have too much fun in there you two."

Megan gives him a sarcastic look. "Aren't you coming with us?"

Matt smiles. "Oh no. You two have your private girl time. I'm going to change too."

Megan shrugs. "Suit yourself. Come on Kay Kay." The two girls walk into Kayla's room.

Matt puts the leftovers away in the fridge, going into his room and shuts the door. He strips down to his black Calvin Klein underwear, changing into blue plaid pajama pants and a plain white tshirt.

Kayla and Megan change in Kayla's room. Megan strips down to her black bra and matching black lace boy shorts. "I love the way Matt looks at you. It's like he's obsessed with you."

Kayla giggles. "He's definitely a little lover boy. We've seen each other almost every day for the past several months and he hasn't gotten tired of me yet." She pulls her leggings off, revealing her peach colored thong and looks for something to wear.

Megan digs through her luggage, finding a black tank top and fluffy pink pajama pants. "It's a lot colder up here than I remembered. I gotta put on the fluffy pajamas!"

Kayla smiles at her. "You've been in Arizona the past 3 years. You must have forgotten what real weather feels like." Kayla pulls on green plaid pajama pants, the pulls out one of Matt's band shirts and throws it on, being way too big for her.

Megan finishes getting dressed and the girls go into the living room. Matt was finding some music to put on. Megan picks up the vodka bottle from the table. "You guys have any mixers?"

Kayla goes to the kitchen. "We've got lemonade, Coke, sprite, water. Whatever you want."

"Let's all do a shot! To celebrate friendship!" Megan suggests.

Kayla gets 3 shot glasses and Megan starts to pour up. Matt walks up to the girls, giving Kayla a concerned look due to her behavior around alcohol.

Kayla notices the look and smiles at Matt. "Baby, we're drinking at home. Let's just have fun, and if I humiliate myself, it's just in front of Megan. We've known her forever!"

Megan looks up. "Does Kayla have a problem handling her booze in public?"

Matt smirks. "She gets a little rowdy, but since it's just us I'll allow some drinking. Just no throwing up."

Kayla nods her head. "I won't! Promise!"

Megan hands out the shots, and they all hold them up to toast. "To friendship!" Megan says.

They all take the shot, chasing it down with their choice of drinks Kayla got from the fridge. The two girls mix the vodka with the drinks, while Matt goes to the fridge to get himself a beer.

The friend move over to the living room to sit on the couch and have conversations. It felt like old times, all the friends sitting together and just shooting the shit. Except when they were preteens, they didn't have alcohol involved.

As the conversation went on and alcohol was consumed, the crazier the conversation got. Eventually, Megan decided to ask the question. "So, Matt. Kayla says you spank her now?"

"Megan!" Kayla says sharply under her breath, feeling embarrassed.

Matt blushes slightly, with a nervous chuckle. "Haha yeah well, she's the one who suggested it. Felt like she needed that kind of attention in her life."

"Is she a bad girl? Does she get spanked every day? Did she get spanked today?" She rapidly blasts questions.

"Meggaaaaannnn!" Kayla whines out.

Matt laughs. "You know, she's a pretty good girl now I'd say. Her room is clean, grades are good, dishes are put away most of the time. It's been a little while since I've had to give her a spanking. Why are you so curious? Do you need a spanking?"

Megan laughs. "Not necessarily haha. It's just an interesting dynamic. As long as you're not abusing her or your power."

Matt shakes his head. "Oh not at all. I only spank her when I feel she deserves it, and I never take it too far."

Kayla buries her face into her hands, absolutely humiliated listening to her best friend and boyfriend talk about her getting spanked right in front of her. She picks up her drink, finishing it off. "I could use another shot."

Megan laughs, noticing how uncomfortable she's made her friend. She pours the 3 of them another shot, and they all knock it back.

After some more drinking, and tensions starting to become loose, Megan gets a bright idea.

"Hey. It's been a long time. How about we play truth or dare?"

To be continued....


Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Sorry for the long 2-3 parters. I have longer ideas for stories but don't want to just write a 3000-4000 word chapter, and would rather keep it in 1200-1500 word bite size chapters.

Also, I've held the top spot for #spanked stories and I wanted to thank anyone who has read this far and voted. This is clearly longer than my other stories, and I've really enjoyed writing this and don't plan on ending it anytime soon.

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