Jock Lock

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Kayla was laying on the couch, watching an anime. She was watching the subs, so she was really focused on the dialogue while also trying to pay attention to the animation. She had on a crop top and leggings, partially covered with a blanket.

Matt sat in his room, playing video games. He takes his headset off, checking the time. He hasn't bothered his girlfriend for a few hours. He might as well make sure she hasn't left him to pay rent on his own.

He walks out into the living room, seeing her laying on the couch. "Whatcha doing babe?"

"Watching Frieren. It's a really cute anime." She answers, not lifting her head and losing her focus on the show.

Matt sits beside her, rubbing her back as he watches the show with her. She rubs his hand further down her back, starting to lightly scratch her back.

"That feels sooo good." She says, laying her head on his lap.

He looks up at him with a smile, and Matt lowers his head to give her a kiss. He slides his hand down to squeeze her butt, before giving her a playfully hard smack.

She giggles. "Mmm babe!"

Matt chuckles, kissing her again, more passionately to distract her.

Kayla softly kisses him, not even realizing Matt's hand slipping into her leggings.

Matt grabs her panties, slowly pulling them up.

Kayla pulls from the kiss with a light gasp. "Matty! Stop that!"

Matt chuckles, looking down at her strawberry panties she recently bought. "Hey! These are my favorite panties!"

She groans a little. "I'm glad you like them. Now let go!" She giggles out.

Matt pulls harder on her patterned panties. They are a nice stretchy material he can play with. He stands up while still holding on to her panties. "Let's get a little creative."

He throws the blanket off of her, bending her legs back and pulls her panties over her feet.

"Matthew! What are you doing?!" She yells out.
Matt pulls her other leg back, looping her panties over her other foot.

"I believe this is called a jock lock wedgie." He laughs, standing back to admire his work. She's stuck in the wedgie, making it worse as she struggles and tries to kick her feet. Nearly half of her butt is sticking out as her underwear pull her leggings back.

"Matty please! Let me out of this shit!"

Matt smirks as he sits back down next to her. "I'll let you out after this episode is over."

"Ugh!" She rests her head on his lap, knowing she won't get her way with him.

Matt smiles, playing with her hair as they continued watching the show.

Kayla feels embarrassed, panties stuck around her ankles and buttcrack showing. She knows she could reach back and fix it, but she knows Matt would just pull her back into it. Or give her a spanking, playfully of course.

"This show is pretty good. The animation is pretty."

"Mmhm." Kayla answers. "It's really cute. Now let me out of this damn wedgie."

Matt chuckles. "I didn't hear the magic word."

Kayla rolls her eyes. "PLEASE let me out of this wedgie before I punch your nuts."

Matt laughs. "Okay okay, you used a few magic words there." He reaches to pull her panties free, leaving them bunched over her leggings.

Kayla releases a sigh of relief. "I hope you didn't stretch them too badly."

Matt smiles. "Doesn't look like it. These are pretty stretchy. Are they comfortable?"

Kayla nodded as she reaches back to dig her wedgie out. "They're probably the most comfy pair I own."

Matt smirks and shakes his head. "You always find comfort in the dorkiest panties."

"Hey!" She punishes his leg, dangerous close to his manhood. "They're cute! Not dorky!"

Matt laughs as he flinches to protect himself. "Who said they can't be both?"

She rolls her eyes, crawling forward into his lap, propping her butt in front of him. "Give my booty a massage as an apology to it."

He smirks. "I can't say no to free booty touching privileges."

He massages her booty as they watch the next episode of the anime. Squeezing and rubbing her buttcheeks and thighs, sneaking in a smack here and there.

Kayla smiles each time he smacks her butt. It not hurting much, slightly enjoying the feel of it in between the massaging. She started to doze off.


Author's Note:

I've written A LOT for this story in the course of a few days. Which is fine, I love writing this story and still have a lot of chapters in mind. But I think I need a break to refresh my mind and typing fingers. I'm sure it won't take long, but I shall return once this story hits 2000 total views.

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