Flashback: Ripped Undies

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Matt was 16, and Kayla was 14. This is the first year they would spend together in high school.

Kayla had gym in her first semester to get the credits out of the way. It didn't take very long for her to realize as she was changing in the locker rooms, that a lot of girls in her class wore thongs, shamelessly standing around with their cheeks out.

Kayla nearly felt embarrassed to change, being one of the only girls who still wore regular panties, along with some of the less popular girls. She had this strong desired to fit in, and begged her mother to take her to Victoria Secret. After enough begging, and a secret shopping trip we don't tell dad about, her mom let her pick out 3 pairs. A red lace thong, a pink thong, and a black one that was practically a G string.

She wore the red lace thong the next day, excited to show them off during 3rd period gym. She changed out of her jeans, and before she can pull her gym shorts on she hears. "Nice undies Kayla!" From one of her classmates.

She turns and smiles. "Thanks! I just got them!"

She felt a slight discomfort from the thong, constantly wanting to pick her wedgie, knowing that's just how the underwear were. She did enjoy that she no longer had noticeable panty lines, not that it bothered her much, but how it remained a mystery for those whose eyes were drawn to her rear.

Later after school, she waited near the parking lot for Matt. He had a car now and was going to drive her home, since they lived right next to each other. He was also planning on having her come over to hang out and have dinner.

Matt finally shows up, smiling at her. "Sup freshman?"

Kayla rolls her eyes. "Sup, jockey junior?"

Matt chuckles and nudges her shoulder. "Ready to get out of here? I got homework to do."

Kayla nods and smiles and they walk out to his car.

When they get to Matt's house, they go up to his bedroom to start doing homework. Matt sits as his desk while Kayla lays on the bed.

They don't talk, staying relatively quiet as they're working on their separate homework, only sound being from music playing.

Matt stretches in his chair, looking over at Kayla lying on his bed, her shirt riding up slightly, making her a perfect target.

He stands up "you want a drink? Or a snack?"

She looks up and smiles. "Can you get me a water? Maybe some m&ms?"

"Sure thing. I'll be back." He heads downstairs, grabbing two water bottles and a fun sized bag of m&ms from the pantry. He comes back upstairs, tossing the water bottle and candy on the bed. "Here's your snacks madam."

She smiles. "Thank you!"

He nods. "And as for the service fee, I'll accept one payment in the form of a wedgie!" He plants his hand on her back, reaching into her jeans.

Her eyes get wide, not only because she was about to get wedgied, but Matt was going to see her thong. "Matt! No!" She tries to escape.

But Matt grabs her undies, realizing the lace waistband is much different than the typical materials he's used to grabbing. "Ooo these feel new. Let's see'em!"

He pulls her panties, realizing there is not much material attached to the lace waistband he was pulling. "Oh my god! You're wearing a thong!"

Kayla squirms around. "Matt! Please stop! It's embarrassing!"

Matt laughs, pulling harder. "And they're a sexy red too! Look at you growing up!"

He gives another pull, yet a bit too hard and he rips a hole in the back of her thong.

"Oh shit!" He lets go immediately after he realized he had nearly ripped a fistful of the waistband off.

Kayla reaches back, feeling the giant hole that formed. She sits up and gives Matt a death stare. "Matthew! I just bought these with my mom!"

"I'm sorry! I really really didn't mean to!"
He says trying to give her a hug.

She pushes him away, stomping into the bathroom next door and locking the door. She pulls down her jeans. "Shit" she mutters to herself. "How am I going to explain this?"

She tries to pick her wedgie, obviously not doing much, but unlike how tightly it would cling to her body before, the stretched and ripped material bundled at the small of her back.

She sighs. "Guess I'm going commando." She pulls her thong down, pulling her jeans back up. It was a weird feeling, never going a single day without wearing some form of underwear.

She didn't want to embarrass Matt or herself by leaving the ripped underwear in his trashcan, so she just stuffs the ruined panties into her pocket and walks back to her room, still red in the face.

Matt sees her. "You okay? I'm really sorry."

She sighs. "I'm fine."

"Sincerely, I'm really sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

She sits on the bed, giving him a soft smile. "You wanna buy me new underwear? To replace the ones you destroyed?"

Matt thinks about it, thinking how embarrassing it would be walking into a Victoria Secret as a guy. "After I get my paycheck Friday, I will."

Kayla smiles. "Thank you. I forgive you. I guess it's sort of my fault for wearing a thong anyway."

Matt chuckles lightly. "Since when did you start wearing thongs anyway?"

"A lot of girls in school wear them, and I wanted to fit in. I didn't really like the way it felt anyway. I don't think I like lacy panties."

Matt leans back in his chair, pretending to think hard. "So you've seen other girls thongs? Mind explaining the colors of each girls thong and whether or not it was lace?"

Kayla laughs out loud, throwing a pen at Matt. "Shut up! You perv!"

Matt laughs. "I'm just kidding. You should wear what you think is more comfortable."

"I need to find some panties that stop you from giving me a wedgie."

Matt laughs again. "If you find them, let me know so I can put them out of business. What'd you do with the ripped ones anyway? Are you still wearing them?"

Kayla smirks at him. "Why so curious pervert?"

"I was just asking!" Matt says, getting defensive. "I didn't know if you'd wanna keep them on after that."

Kayla giggles, pulling them out of her pocket.

Matt looks at them. "I see, so you're commando right now. Interesting...."

Kayla giggles. "Don't make me throw more pens at you!"

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