Another Late Assignment

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Matt and Kayla were sitting together on the couch watching YouTube while Kayla fiddled around on her laptop. She went to her school site to check her grades. She sees that one of her grades had dropped from an A- to a B and gets concerned.

She looks through her recently graded assignments, seeing her last assignment was graded at a C-

Matt looks over at her screen. "What's wrong babe?" He asks, noticing her concern.

"My grade dropped a little, and I think it's because I got a C- on this assignment." She answers.

He looks over to see which assignment it was. "Didn't I help you with that one? I thought we did pretty well on it together."

Kayla starts to get a guilty feeling in her gut. She knows why the grade is so low. "Yeah but....I might've turned it in 2 days late..."

Matt gives her a disapproving look. "2 days late?"

Kayla nods her head, avoiding eye contact with him.

"I watched you turn it in. So you're telling me you had me help you finish this assignment, KNOWING it was going to be late, and just didn't tell me?"

Kayla still doesn't look at Matt, still feeling very guilty for her decision. "I'm sorry Matty."

Matt stares at the side of her head for a moment, not believing what he's hearing. "Kayla, look at me."

She finally turns to look at him, her eyes starting to get wet.

"I want you to go into your room, and stand in the corner. I'll be in there in a moment." He instructs her.

Kayla sighs and close her laptop. She knew what she was in for. "Yes sir." She stands up and walks into her bedroom. She goes into the corner of her room, sticking her nose into the wall and folds her arms behind her back.

Matt sat on the couch, finishing the YouTube video he was watching. He was disappointed in Kayla. It felt good to be able to just have fun with her, not having to punish her very often as of lately, but she hid something from him and he didn't find that acceptable.

Besides the chair wedgie and light spanking, it was the first time he's had to punish her since they started dating. Though it's the same process, it felt a little different this time. He couldn't tell why but decided to shake off the thoughts he was having.

He turns off the TV, getting up and walking to the kitchen. He opens one of the drawers, finding a wooden spoon. He hasn't used it since they moved it for anything, but he found a purpose for it tonight. He heads into Kayla's room.

Kayla hears Matt walking into her room and tenses up.

Matt sits down on her bed. "Alright. Come here."

She turns away from the corner, walking to stand in front of him with her hands in front of her. Her heart sinks when she sees the spoon in his hands.

"So after we've had a talk about this, and made an agreement about your punishments, you still decided to hide something from me. And it damaged your grade."

Kayla looks down at her feet. "I know. I'm sorry baby."

"I think it's a little too late for sorry. Did you just think that not telling me would save you from being punished?" He asks her.

"I didn't really think it through. I just sort of panicked and just wanted to get it turned in." She answers softly.

Matt looks up at her, placing his hand on her chin to move her eyes towards his. "Well, now you're being punished for two reasons. For turning an assignment in late, and for hiding the fact that it was late from me. I don't hide anything from you, and I except the same from you. Understand?"

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