Season 6 Chapter 4

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By the time we gathered near Julie’s house, it was already late evening. The weather had turned chilly as the evening progressed, with a gentle breeze rustling through the trees, carrying with it the scent of spring blossoms. The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the neighborhood. We waited for everyone to show up, Bella joined us after returning from the hospital, she looked much better than morning, Victoria was late as usual. Hope and Irina showed up with their respective boyfriends and made us feel like we were third wheeling. We stood there pondering over who should ring the doorbell as we hesitated and felt embarrassed while staring at each other’s faces.

Jules: Anne, you go ahead. (She said pushing me forward)

Me: Why should I? (I raised my brow)

Choon Hee: Because you are the star of the show. (She winks)

Maria: Because you are the youngest in our group. (She sticks out her tongue mockingly)

Me: That doesn’t even make any sense. (I frowned) Moreover, Lotte is the youngest one here.

Maria: I meant, by maturity level. Hehe. (She giggles).

Me: Tsk. (I cracked my knuckles)

Irina: Because Julie loves you. (She blurted out of nowhere)

Ratree: She is also lesbian? (She asks out of curiosity)

Bruce: Hey! (He fumes while pouting out of jealousy) It’s nothing like that, Julie isn’t lesbian. (He folds his arms together)

Christina: Who knows? (She says with a mischievous grin) Let her explore.

Bruce: S-Shut your m-mouth. (He stammers)

Me: She is cute though. (I smiled) Totally my type. (I said while staring at Bruce and hoping to get him agitated so that he rings the bell instead of me. Bruce fumes with anger as his face turns red, he stomps his feet and walks towards me.)

Victoria: What is going on here? (She frowns while getting down from her car) Why are you all acting like hooligans in front of Julie’s house? (She asks before closing the car door behind her as the driver drove away)

Bella: We were deciding, who would ring the bell first. (Everyone nodded in agreement)

Victoria: (she rubs her forehead getting annoyed) Seriously? (Then walks past us, and rang the bell as we clapped in admiration) tsk, I am stuck with idiots. (We nodded in agreement.)

As the doorbell rang, heavy, hurried footsteps echoed through the house. As Julie’s father swung open the door while gasping for breathe and covered in sweat, he was wearing an apron and seemed occupied. As soon as he notices us, there was a wide grin over his face.

Hans: welcome! (He says) Come inside! (He steps aside making way for us) Darling! The kids are here! (He calls Julie’s mother who comes rushing towards the door)

Clara: (she was wearing apron as well, and was excited to see us) Please come in.

As we stepped into Julie’s house, we were greeted with warmth and the comforting aroma of home-cooked food. The living room was adorned with colorful decorations, and the table was set with an array of delicious dishes. Julie’s parents welcomed us with open arms, expressing their joy at having us over for the celebration. Everyone felt a bit shy and stood together like small children in a new environment.

Clara: (she kisses Hans’ cheek) Darling, where is our child?

Hans: (he blushes hard while stammering) S-She is w-watching football match in her room.

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