Season 5 Sidestory

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Maria’s POV:

It's been almost 2 days since that incident, Anne has been avoiding social contacts and holed up inside her room. I bit my nail feeling anxious regarding the whole situation. “Is this her so-called home?” I thought to myself. These were her ‘friends’? Hateful……I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Anne’s words when we spoke last time. She trusts people easily, and this was the result of her trust. Tsk, how can that ungrateful bitch hurt my poor child? But I knew that Anne will forgive her anyways, after all she is an idiot. If it were me……I would have…….agh! This is irritating me! She is even ignoring my calls! Should I call her brothers to take an update? Nevermind…..I should just sit still and wait for a miracle.

When Anne decided to move away from her toxic family, I was genuinely happy for her, thinking that she would finally find her happiness. But look at her, being slaves to these insignificant people who can’t even solve their own problems and whine like children. “And to think that Anne was praising these dumbasses”, the mere thought of it, ignited my anger. Where is the loyalty? These people don’t even deserve her, yet……yet she is doing so much for them. And even consider them as good friends……whereas I am just a sidekick. I bit my lower lip feeling wrong.

Me: I hate you Anne…..(I murmured to myself even though I didn’t mean it, but it was unfair that even after doing so much for her….she never considered me as a friend.)

No…..what am I even thinking?.....I don’t have time for such meaningless thoughts. I choose to become her sidekick on my free will, and have much better things to do. I should start making a move now that the iron is hot. Anyways, it’s far better to be a useful sidekick than a useless ‘friend’. I thought while walking towards the football club.

One thing caught my interest, after that incident, it felt like the team had lost its charm. Jules was kicked out of the club and none of the teammates protested against it. Everyone supported Anne when it was needed. I don’t know if these people are pretending to be nice or are actually good.

I sat in the clubhouse, nobody seems to mention anything regarding that day, but all faces were gloomy, as if energy had been drained from their body. “It's so dark and cold” I thought to myself. Julie sat beside me, her eyes lost in her thoughts. Anne was right, when she said that Julie has a blinding light in her, she was like an Angel who is innocent and pure. She radiated positivity that can attract people towards her and give them solace. There was a sarcastic smile over my lips, as I stared at Julie. “Stupid Anne.” Who cares about such blinding light when darkness can’t even reach out to it? Anne always thinks highly regarding meaningless things. You need someone who will stay beside you and push you out of the darkness. It doesn’t matter if the person is dark themselves, as long as they can help you through your dark times and make you feel your worth instead of a person who has high moral values but you cannot even reach out to them.

Julie was too innocent to be tainted by our dirt. Anne will never realize that she is the one who keeps people together because of her wisdom that came from her hardship instead of Julie who was raised with care and purity. What’s the point of being a moth towards a light, when you will get burned by the fire?.....I would prefer the shade under the trees and the cool breeze it gives me. “I miss Anne…..” I hope she is fine. I am tired of waiting for her, should I go and meet her? I stood up from the seat and paced around a bit before walking towards the door, till now I haven’t started socializing with any of these people and neither did I have any interest. My original intention of joining the team was to bring Anne back to her former self but now…..I don’t know what should be done.

I was about to walk out of the club room, when I noticed something odd, there was a shadow near the door which disappeared as soon as it heard my advancing footsteps. This wasn’t the first time, rather this is happening since yesterday. It feels like someone is spying on us but there is no malicious intent. Out of curiosity, I stood near the door, to find out the rat. A girl with twin ponytails ran towards the main building of school, for a second she turned back to check something when our eyes met. She feels embarrassed and stops, then dusts her clothes to act confident as if she wasn’t caught red handed. Then instead of running away, she started advancing towards me, as she stood in front of me and placed her hands on her hips and frowned while demanding.

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