Season 7 Chapter 3

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"And with that, Altstadt Akademie Lübeck wins with 2 goals!"

We rejoiced and hugged each other cheerfully, savoring our victory. Our hard work was finally paying off, and with this win, we were promoted to the quarter-finals. The matches were rescheduled for next month due to upcoming exams and other reasons, giving us more time to prepare. My expectations  skyrocketed, I felt like I could win any match as long as we were together. These people are hardworking and knew the value of this game, “what else do I need?” Everything seemed perfect, maybe this was the very place where I belonged all along. I wondered if Maria felt the same. My dream of playing football and sharpening my skills were finally taking shape.

As these train of thoughts crossed my mind. For a second I felt like I saw a familiar face among the crowd. “Gouenji?” I thought to myself. But how could that be possible? What was he doing here? The familiar face disappeared among the crowd as if it never existed. I frowned getting restless. The bus was waiting, as they kept calling my name.

Me: (I turned towards Aoi, my face looked disturbed) Coach, please leave with the team. I have some work to do.

Aoi: (she looked at me getting suspicious) What’s wrong?

Me: (I felt restless as I smiled faintly) I can’t explain right now. (I said before advancing towards the crowd.)

Before I realized, I was already outside the school premises. My feet walked aimlessly, while my eyes wandered around trying to search for that familiar face. After sometime, I stopped, “was it an illusion?” it might be, or else why would Gouenji come for my match? He isn’t someone who would be interested in my life, is he? But why would I mistaken his face among the crowd? None of this made sense as my stomach started to growl out of hunger. I scratched my head getting annoyed and decided to halt my hunt and go for filling my abdomen.

I was already feeling disturbed when I came across King, who was busy arguing with a woman who looked agitated. It was the same woman from that day. It was heated argument and King seemed frustrated while the woman was persistent, her eyes were filled with anger and betrayal as tears rolled down from her eyes she wiped them while trying to reach out to King.

King: Freya, last time I clearly told you to stop stalking me. (He sighed) Listen, you are a good woman, but if you continue being a nuisance, I won’t have a choice but to file a case against you.

Freya: King…..(she looks in his eyes) Why are you doing this to me?.....Whatever I did, was because I love you.

King: Freya…..I am tired of explaining that I don’t have any feelings for you. So stop embarrassing yourself and leave. (He clicked his tongue while looking at her with disgust)

I was paralyzed for a moment, not knowing whether to intervene or just walk away. King looked more annoyed than ever, and I could see the frustration in his eyes. Freya, on the other hand, seemed utterly heartbroken. I took a deep breath and decided to approach them.

Freya: King….why are you doing this to me? (She stuttered as she looked desperate for attention) I thought, that you loved me…..(she says while trying to hug him)

King: (he steps back respectfully maintaining a safe distance) Leave. You have embarrassed yourself enough, stop ruining my reputation. (He said coldly before turning away)

Freya: Fine! (She says before grabbing his arm and forcing him to look in her eyes) I will ruin you, King Elizabeth.

King: Freya! Atleast think about your own life before taking any drastic step! (He frowns while shaking her hand off)

Freya: hahahahaha!!!! (She laughs like a mad person) Nothing matters anymore, if I can’t have you, I will drag you through the mud along with me!

King: (smirks) And what are you going to do? Put fake allegations on me? (He says clenching his fist and tightening his jaw)

Freya: Yes! I will tell everyone that you raped me and used my body to pleasure yourself before leaving me! (She hisses)

King: I didn’t even touch you! (He says trying to control his anger as people stared at them)

Freya: (she smirks and lowers her voice) And? Who is going to believe that?

Me: Enough of this nonsense. (I said finally stepping forward)

Freya: (she glares at me) And who are you? Don’t tell me, you are dating minors now. (She says smirking at King)

King: You! (He hisses at Freya)

Me: You are disgusting. (I said coldly) bitches like you, makes me wanna throw up.

Freya: What did you say?.....(she looks at me in disbelief)

Me: Your whole existence is an insult to the real victims. (I folded my arms) So, why don’t you do us a favor and disappear? (I tilt my head and gave her a murderous look)

Freya: (she gulps her spit as she glances at me and hesitates) You will regret doing this to me. (She bites her lower lip before walking off)

Me: (I bit my lower lip frowning before turning towards King. My eyes were filled with concerns) Brother…. (I murmured holding his hand.)

King: (he smiles faintly) Looks like ….I am always in a sorry state whenever we meet. You were right, Anne…..(he said holding back his tears) It seems like, I have dug my own grave.

Me: Its not your fault….I mean it is to some extent. But that bitch is insane. (I said feeling concerned) Please….stay safe.

King: (he wipes his tears and licks his dried up lips as he smiles at me) Is our puffer fish concerned about her dear brother? (He says pinching my cheek) Don’t worry…..(he hesitates) I am sure she won’t stoop that low.

Me: You don’t sound….too assured. (I said frowning)

King: (he bents towards me and kisses my forehead) I hate it when I make you worried. I am a bad brother, aren’t I?

Me: No…..(I bit my lower lip) But….it feels like…..if I turn around, you would disappear. Why is there such a distance? feels like everyone is hiding something from me……I feel bad……

King: (He pats my head with a wide grin over his face) You don’t need to take responsibility for others' mess. Just enjoy your life and let me take care of myself. (He says before placing his hands in his pockets) Don’t worry, I will take care of this matter. Sometimes I wish, I was talented and intelligent like Leo, then at least I would have made you feel proud. (He says before turning his back towards me and walking off)

I stood there, contemplating where things had started to fall apart. I wondered if I had neglected my responsibilities while searching for happiness. I felt distant from my own siblings and had no idea what they were going through. Was I being too selfish? Am I self-centered? I felt helpless as I watched him walk further and further away from me.

To be continued....

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