Part VII

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The year 2002

'Déjà Vu just like four years ago, Shin and his mother stood in the same spot, the same field, and in a similar situation in front of my father. Everything is in place and the actors are ready, just like that year, every single point…..but the only difference this time is….I did it, I took my revenge….just like how it should have been….according to William Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts." If the world is a stage and people are merely it's players….then I would love to become a manipulator….that's what my father has turned me into and that's what I want to do. Everyone is mere puppets on my stage. Those who can be controlled, used and disposed of. I stared at Shin and his mother emotionlessly, while giving Shin's friends who were standing behind them a deadly glare making them have cold sweats, they shiver as if being stared upon by the devil himself. They looked at each other before taking a step back.

shin's mother : Mr. Douglas, your daughter has crossed her limits! She made my son get bitten by rats and throw marble balls on the road as they tried to catch her. He didn't only get bitten but also broke his ankle. (She screams like a mad woman trying to attract audience)

Douglas : (He looked at Shin from head to toe before turning back to his mom with uninterested eyes with a hint of coldness in his tone) So?

shin's mother : (she stares at him for few seconds stupefied before raising her tone annoyed) So?! You asking me, so??? I want you to pay my son's medical bills or else am going to the police station! I will make sure that your daughter goes to the delinquent center! (As she shouts some of her salivae spits out from her mouth)

Douglas : heh~ (he smirks as if he had heard some joke before getting serious) Do you have any proof that it was done by my daughter? Or is it like the last time?

Shin's mother : (she gulps her spit) C-Cant you see that I brought Shin's friends as eyewitnesses?

Douglas : (looks behind her at the empty ground uninterested) looks like your evidence ran away.

Shin and his mother turned around to check if Dad was cracking some kind of sick joke, only to find that they were backstabbed by their own witnesses.

Douglas : (in a low grunting voice) Leave before I call the police.
Shin's mother : (bites her lower lip embarrassed) W-We aren't lying this time….your daughter really hit my son….

I smirked knowing that the fish has bitten the hook, and had nowhere to escape now. I just waited patiently for my father's reaction, will he finally take my side?.... Why do I still keep expectations?.... Pathetic…I hate being weak….especially towards that man…standing there like an unapproachable Devil.

Douglas : (he gives out a dangerous aura before bursting into laughter like an unleashed psycho, his behavior not only scared shin and his mother but also his students who were crowding behind me for some free entertainment) So, you are confessing that last time, you made up a lie, to get my daughter into trouble. And every bit of evidence you showed me, was fake, apologize.

Me : (mind) yes!

Shin's mother : N-No….I…I mean….(she steps back hesitating)

Douglas : (sighs) Start running…before I change my mind.

Shin's mother grabs Shin's hand and disappears from our eyes never to come in front of us again, I stared at my dad, dumbfounded wondering why he let such a golden opportunity slip out of his hand. I bite my lower lip frustrated, I didn't expect him to support me, but leaving those bastards so easily? Don't you care about me, even a little bit? As I was looking at him with hatred, Dad glared at me with a meaningful look, as if saying, 'fuck off before I lose control over my head', I stormed out of the field biting my lower lip to calm my anger.

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