Season 3 Chapter 25

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Victoria: Your fake appearance disgust me. (She said in cold tone while gazing at me)

Since morning, everything felt like shit, nothing was working out, Naomi was quiet, Jules avoided me even though I tried to apologize, and now this. Instead of using her car, Victoria insisted on returning home with us, but it seemed like she was more interested in picking fights with me. Each step we took, she spoke venomous words to trigger my reaction. Jules walked in front of us, ignoring the whole situation, she seemed lost in some other world since morning.

Me: (I sighed while stopping and turning towards Victoria) I don’t understand what you are saying. (I said in a calm uninterested manner)

Victoria: Your face, that smile and every bit of emotions that you show, everything are fake, you can trick anyone with your lies but….(she stands in front of me, pulling me closer) you cannot escape my eyes.

Me: (I smirked looking at her while whispering in her ear) You are right…. Everything is just a façade, in reality, I don’t feel a shit. (I moved away from her while dusting myself as if she was dirty)

Realization hit me, it was true that I have been trying too hard to show emotions, and kept on practicing until I learned the perfect social smile but that doesn’t mean that Victoria had any right to insult me, I have been giving my best to act normal, what else do you want from me?

Victoria: (she starts laughing) You are insecure, aren’t you.

Me: What? (I raised my eyebrow)

Victoria: Yea, that’s why you fake your emotions and try so hard to act normal, in reality, you are just an insecure kid who has trust issues. You don’t trust anyone, neither Jules nor me, even though you consider us as your ‘friends’ or wait a minute, are we even your friends? (She looks at Jules) Tell me Jules, you know her much before than me, in these past months or years, how much do you know about her background? She knows everything about our problems but what we know regarding her? (She holds me by my collar) Hey, Anne, don’t mind but what are you trying to hide? (She asks in a suspicious manner)

Me: Dude, did you eat something wrong? Why are you getting so touchy today? Listen, stay away or else I can make you regret. Also, people shouldn’t point fingers at others when they are already In same shoes. (I said while slapping her hands away)

Victoria: (she frowns) Are you criticizing me?

Me: Why? Do I need equal status to criticize you? Or is it a taboo to criticize our princess? You know what? I don’t give a fuck. If you are going to throw stones, be prepared for bricks. (I said tilting my head)

Victoria: Anne, how are we supposed to keep faith in you, when we know nothing about you. Do you know how awkward it feels when I realize that I have no idea who my friend is? (Her eyes had a hint of sadness) Why are you so afraid to show your vulnerability? What is hurting you?

Me: (I gulped my spit) S-Stop this nonsense. (I cleared my throat) It’s not that I am afraid of showing my vulnerable side, it’s just that, you never asked me regarding my life, so why should I bother? (I said looking away)

Victoria: Alright, tell us, even Jules should know, what are you hiding from us. (She said while glancing at Jules)

Me: (I stared at Victoria for few seconds then sighed) It feels like, you are looking for a situation where you can speak about your problems, but finding it awkward to speak up because you think that will be attention seeking. (I said out of concern)

Victoria: YOU!! (Her face turns red with anger and frustration)

Jules: STOP IT BOTH OF YOU! (she said finally breaking her silence) why are you fighting like small children? Is this how friends treat each other? You know what?! Victoria, instead of finding faults in Anne, please deal with you own insecurities first! (She said while shouting at us) And you! (Her attention fell on me) deal with it, instead of taking it out on others. (I felt ashamed of my actions) you know what? You both are perfect for each other, insecure egoistic blockheads who think they are better than others, but you know what? You both are equally pathetic. (She says before walking off leaving us behind)

Me: Dang, that was creative. (I said blinking while standing there stupefied)

Victoria: Unfortunately, I need to agree with you. (She says while feeling confused and hurt at the same time) Check out what happened and let me know.

Me: hm….(I said before following Jules)

I walked along with Jules, there was a long silence, before I finally mustered up the courage to speak.

Me: Uhm…Jules, are you alright? Dang dude, it was really creative, you should have seen Victoria’s face. (I said while trying to lighten her mood)

Jules: Shut up. (She said coldly)

Me: (I gulped my spit) Listen…I am really sorry….I didn’t mean to hurt you yesterday. (I bite my lower lip feeling guilty)

Jules: (she stands and faces me) Anne, not everything is about you. (Her expression was mixed with grief and anger)

Me: What’s wrong? (I asked out of concern)

She opens her mouth to say something then presses them hard before picking up her pace, I followed her quietly, each step increased my anxiety. Before we could realise, we already stepped in the restaurant’s premises.

Me: (I grabbed Jules’s wrist making her look at me) Jules, what’s going on? I have been noticing since morning, what are you trying to hide?

Jules: Stop sticking your nose in others business. (She said while yanking her hand)

Me: Don’t tell me…..did you proposed….my…..I mean….did you proposed your crush? (I gulped my spit)

Jules: I don’t have time for such nonsense… (she looks away) please stop.

Me: Did something happen to your cousin?….wait…..(I bit my lower lip) Is it…. About your mother?

Jules: (she slaps me hard across my face, she starts panting, her eyes were filled with tears) You are disgusting. (She says before locking herself inside her room. I stood there in disbelief, Naomi seemed concerned regarding the whole incident)

To be continued....

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