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Evangeline couldn't remember how long she'd been running for, or where she was even going for that matter, but it was anywhere but here. Far away from here. She had no set plan, but then again her decision had been made last minute and with such haste that she'd just hitched up the now dirtied and dust ridden skirts of her wedding dress and had ran - leaving her husband to be fuming at the altar before he had come after her. Well, him and a few others - her father included.

It had been a risky move, one that would make her family a laughing stock in town, but she was beyond caring. Her parents had been all but willing to sacrifice her happiness purely on the basis that there would be money involved. Not much, but enough for the pair of them. She'd only been guilt tripped into agreeing because they weren't exactly poor, but they weren't rich either.

She glanced back, still running, to see that no one now followed her - although she had no idea just how far into the forest, that shielded the town, she had ventured into. Of course there were stories that if you strayed too far then you were in dangerous territory. There were certain routes people avoided as they ran through towns known to be filled with witches, or even vampires - although she or no one that she knew had thankfully ever met them. Sometimes she wondered whether they were simply just stories.

Her pace slowed, the forestry becoming deeper, a little darker. Only a pair of old and rusted wrought iron gates that came into view just off the side of the road showed her a potential sign of refuge, and perhaps life. On hearing the distant shouts, it seemed to be her only option. If they caught up with her then it would be very bad indeed.

Slipping through the gates as they let out a pained squeak, she quickened her pace up the pathway that led to a run-down looking mansion. The vines snaking across the exterior whilst the fountain outside the front was all dried out and crumbling. No one seemed to have lived here for some years so it seemed, and that was soon proven as she pushed the front door open easily - the loud creak echoing around the dark entrance hall.

"Ok...we'll just hide out here for a few hours and...well, I don't know..." She braced against the doors and closed her eyes tight, wishing for the situation to just go away. "Think Eva, think!"

"You could start by telling me why the hell you're in my home?" A different voice now sounded from the top of the staircase - a man leant against the bannisters watching her with interest.

"Oh my god!" She quickly jumped and kept her back pressed against the door. "I'm so...so sorry - I just, I thought this place was..."

"Abandoned?" The man remained where he was, still watching her with interest. "Guess I forgot to keep on top of household management..." His eyes skimmed her, from top to bottom. "Interesting choice of clothes - especially around these parts. You might wanna be careful with what's out there".

Eva swallowed and nodded. "Believe me I'd much rather be wearing anything but this".

He took two slow steps down. "Running from something?" His tone was knowing - why else would a random woman be stood in his home dressed to go to her wedding. "Or someone?"

"Both. My future and the people who want me married off".

"Whyyyy?" He asked with intrigue as he took a couple more steps down. "Aren't weddings supposed to be the happiest day of a human life?"

An interesting choice of words, but ones that now made her feel a little anxious. As he now reached the bottom of the stairs she was able to look at him properly. Black shirt only buttoned up to the chest, sleeves rolled up to show how muscular he was - not that she had noticed at first. His blonde hair was styled into a neat side part with a perfectly trimmed beard, and his eyes...

His eyes...

A shade of blue that she swore changed colour for a brief second, although she really couldn't be sure.

Only now did she feel more trapped than she had before.

"They...not for everyone, least of all me". She managed to answer the question, causing him to chuckle. "And they were coming this way, they'll find me and..."

"No they won't - they come here and they'll be straight back to where they came from". The man replied with the utmost confidence. "My name's Steve, by the way".


He nodded to himself. "It suits you", his head then shot up on hearing something - even though Eva couldn't. His voice became commanding as he now glared in the direction of the door. "Come with me..."

"No...please..." She shook her head slowly at this.

"I'm not sending you back, I'm making an example". Opening the doors and grabbing her wrist, he dragged her outside to where, in the distance, the small group of men were searching around the downtrodden stony path she'd come up. "Looking for something!" He now called, arms locking around her as she struggled against him.

Eva now saw her father come marching up, his face changing as he laid eyes on the man who held his daughter, and slowly backed away. "You can have her! She's yours!"

She had no idea just what was happening but whatever it was had her father and the other men literally cowering. Something that he had never been subjected into.

"Come here again and you'll be bled dry".

"Have her! We were just leaving!" Immediately the group were now running in the direction they'd come from, and disappeared through the gates - back into the forest.

Eva stared at the ground. They had left her, left her fate to be sealed here forever. It was almost considered a sacrifice as she remembered Steve's words of bleeding them dry. There was only one explanation and she didn't even need to ask him, not now his eyes were red as she looked at him. They flashed back to blue and he released her from his grasp. "It's nice to know just who has your back". He muttered and turned away.

"Thank you?" She replied feeling rather pathetic, standing there in a white dress that made her look like some fluffy, fancy cake. It had been her mother's choice of course. Eva had wanted no input despite being the bride. "If you could tell me where the nearest inn is or something then..."

He laughed softly at this. "You wouldn't survive the night in any of the nearby establishments. The people who dwell there will either eat you alive or tear you to shreds".

"Then I'll just go home..."

Steve turned to her on this. "Your father and those other men all but handed you to me on a silver platter. You go back and they'll either kill you for thinking I turned you, or do much worse for jilting your husband. You stay here - that's your only option..."

"And if I don't want to?"

The question hung in the air until he shrugged. "Then rest in peace, Evangeline..." making his way up the steps of the house to return inside.

"Wait!" Stopping by the doors, he looked back at her. "How do I know that you won't make me..."

"Like me? I've had years to learn control - I won't be taking a bite outta you any time soon - well, not unless you ask". He smirked at the thought. Her skin looked supple enough for him to enjoy sinking his teeth into, but like he'd already said, he wouldn't unless she gave him the permission.

Eva made her way up the steps, holding up her dress and yanking the train from behind her. It felt just as suffocating as the bodice her mother had all but cut off her air supply with when tightening the laces. "So you would have me live here, for the rest of my life - with you?"

"As mad as it may sound, if you wanna survive? Then this is the place to. But the choice is yours of course. I won't stop you if you decide to take the risk of facing other things out there". Steve glanced out to the forest and then back at her. "So Eva...what'll it be?

She thought about it for a few moments and then sighed, looking down at her dress. "Do you have anything other than this monstrosity to wear?" 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now