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Eva was stood next to the throne that just a couple of nights before, Steve had occupied - except now the man who was seated on it was drumming his fingers against the arm.

"Not long now, and our hero of the hour should be arriving for his human. I only have so much patience though..."

"Or he could sense it's a trap for him and leave me here". She bit back.

Johann Schmidt chuckled at this. "He is captivated by you at this point - he'll be here. My plans are always seen through to the very end".

Eva swallowed, keeping her hands clasped in front of her - thankfully Red Skull had been kind enough not to bind them. "He'll kill you..."

"An empty threat I've become used to. He tried once, back during the war - but he failed then, just as he will now. You're his weakness after all, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised to hear of it".

"Don't do this...please".

"My dear Evangeline, you beg for his life so nicely, if I was able to feel anything at all then I'd perhaps consider it, but Steven Rogers doesn't deserve the things that he has. Least of all, you".

Before Eva could open her mouth to respond, Rumlow walked in - two small groups now dragging Sam and Bucky inside before throwing them to the floor. "They're powerless for now, you sure that witch was telling the truth saying that it can keep them that way for a while?"

Red skull nodded. "I've known Agatha Harkness for years - the woman is a powerful one, these two won't be a problem..."

Bucky groaned, feeling the power being numbed throughout his body. "I swear when this wears off then I'm gonna enjoy beating the absolute shit outta you Brock".

"Sorry Buck, but I had orders that I needed to take. Funnily enough Steve isn't the only one who's been betrayed here, but enough of that. Where the fuck is he?"

"How should I know? We split up". Bucky glanced to Eva. "You ok? You hurt?" She shook her head.


Bucky eyed her and then looked at Red Skull. "Nice of you to leave the lady alone. Doesn't mean to say that Steve won't kill you for taking her though".

"Why would I? When she came willingly..."

Sam glanced to Bucky. "Something's going on", he muttered. "And we can't even communicate to Steve to tell him what's happened".

"I know, let's just hope him and Nat are ok and will get here soon, because I don't like the look of things the way they are now".

It wasn't until they heard some commotion outside that Red Skull perked up. "Ah, here he is, finally".

"Shit". Bucky said as Steve was dragged in and thrown down beside them.

"And here was me thinking that you would be harder to take down? But I see your love for the human girl has weakened everything about you that was great" Red skull announced, standing up. "I didn't anticipate that it would, considering that she was only ever meant to give me just the useful information..."

Steve now looked up at him, and then to Evangeline. "Tell me he's lying..."

Tears slid down her cheeks as she shook her head slowly. "I was used just as you were..."

"Ah yes, let's come out with a few truths now shall we? You might want to tell him the reason as to how you ended up at his home on your wedding day?"

"Tell me". Steve bit back, feeling crushed.

"I didn't want to do it. I told him not to, but he wouldn't listen. He was only ever interested in what my family would gain for making the deal".

"What. Deal". He urged through gritted teeth.

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now