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Steve remained silent and watched as Wanda spoke to Evangeline once she'd arrived. He'd already stated he'd wanted her to see through the charm and there was nothing really more left to say, other than to watch and make sure that nothing went wrong.

It wouldn't. He'd known Wanda for years and trusted her to the point where she had become part of his inner circle. She liked solitude though, so it was rare that she'd be at court or any gathering unless it was of great importance.

Evangeline slipped into sleep in the chair she was set in as Wanda uttered her spell to lift the charm from her. After she woke she'd be able to see what they could, and once she was done she turned to Steve. "She is a beautiful woman...one who is learning to trust - she reminds me of myself, back before I met you".

He nodded. "She was wronged by the ones who should have protected her. Nat doesn't agree with the situation of course, but I don't condemn women to death unless they have done something to betray me or our kind".

"You're a good man". Wanda smiled, "How has she been coping?"

"Not good the last couple of days, but I expected that - I even warned her about it. I can tell when she lies. Her heart rate changes".

She nodded at this. "Has she spoken to you about what happened?"

"What happened was that she was pretty much left here to die by her father and the man she was forced into marrying. That was why she ran - but I made things right..."

"What did you do Steve?" Wanda now crossed her arms, waiting patiently.

He crossed the room to where he had some fresh blood in a decanter, pouring some into a wine glass and drinking it, stifling a laugh at thought. "What didn't I do?"

"Did he suffer?"

"I wouldn't have returned satisfied if he didn't. I inflicted what he deserved".

"And does she know?"

"No. And I'd prefer it if you didn't mention it to her. I'll tell her when the time is right".

Finishing the drink, Wanda wrinkled her nose. "That's not his blood is it?"

"His blood was probably contaminated anyway. I'd have rather starved than fed from him". Steve looked a little disgusted at the thought. "I've left her father for now. No doubt he heard of the husband's fate and is now waiting his turn. He'll be living in constant fear".

"Or could send an angry mob..."

"Let him try. When will Eva be awake?" he asked, glancing at the clock on the mantle.

Wanda looked back at the woman's sleeping form on her chair. "Another hour I would say, let the spell set in and take a hold of her".

"She'll be grateful to you, just like I am".

"Anything to help. I can always come back if you need anything else".

He shook his head. "I don't think it'll be necessary, but thanks", and then showed her out. "I'll be checking in on the court soon, I want you there".

"Let me know when and I will". She promised as he opened the door to let her out. "See you soon".

She disappeared in the spot that she stood and Steve rolled his eyes. Of course she could do that - there really hadn't been any need for him to walk her out.

Returning to his study, he found a blanket and draped it over Evangeline, then returning to his desk so he could work some more until she'd wake. The ticking of the clock was the only sound along with the rustling of his papers that he looked over and occasionally signed when he had to.

Her heart beat that was now a constant fixture in his life, changed, and he looked up - seeing her begin to stir. Her eyes flickered open, taking in the room where she was before she looked around, her eyes finding Steve and resting them on him.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"I feel a little funny, but I did need it". She blinked a little and then looked at the blanket. "Did you put this over me?"

"Thought you might be cold".

She got up. "Thank you...I'll let you get back to work".

Putting the pen down, he stood up. "Maybe we should see whether the spell worked". Leading her out of the room and in the direction of the garden.

No sooner had she put one foot out of the door, her eyes widened in shock. It was like a tranquil haven, with the fountain flowing, flowers of all colours in bloom, even from the surrounding bushes.

Just as she had expected, although she hadn't expected it to be this beautiful.

"It's...it's wonderful..." She breathed.

Steve nodded. "Then you can do what you like with it, grow whatever flowers you want. If it makes you happy".

"I can?" She asked, a little unsure whether he was just telling her this to be nice.

"I never spend much time out here. Only the servants who tend to it, but it can be your domain if you want it to be. You need something to keep you busy".

"Thank you..." She said quietly. "And thank you for letting me see what you do".

He jerked his head in the direction of the front of the house. Come on, come see what it looks like from the outside.

The front was just as beautiful, with wisteria creeping over the walls, the fountain at the front looking like it was freshly painted with water in also. The grass was manicured as well as the gravel driveway. A far cry from what she had first seen. The mansion's exterior was also painted white.

"An improvement?" He cast a sideways glance to her as she took it all in.

"Ok, I guess I should congratulate your gardener". She replied. "But I can see why you had to charm it - a deterrent for unwanted guests".

"Exactly. I have people who I need to keep safe. If I can't do that for myself then they're screwed".

She understood. At least she liked to think that she did. "Do you think I would be able to see your city one day? With a chaperone of course. I wouldn't go there by myself after you've told me not to".

"Such a good girl". He mused. "I'd have thought that after running from your own wedding that you'd be a rule breaker".

"Around you? I don't think that I could afford to be".

His look turned a little devilish. "Right answer".

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now