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He'd managed to stop himself before anyone could notice, but the overwhelming urge to sink his teeth into Eva's sweet skin and drink her dry had built even more.

And it was still rising.

No matter how far she was from him, he could still sense her - her heat was pumping faster and louder than ever, and it was sending him deeper into a spiral.

He mentally fought against the lust, drinking for the next hour he spent at court until he couldn't bear it any longer and found himself back at the mansion, his feet taking him to her.

His mate.

It was like he was out of control of his actions - like he could see what he was doing and couldn't do anything to stop it.

The door to her room was blasted from its hinges, his mind only on one thing.


Her blood.

It was like an addiction he'd never shake. "Steve! Stop! This isn't you!" The muffled sound of her voice didn't help shake him back to reality and he lunged at her, pinning her down against the bed and sinking his teeth into her.

"Stop! Steve! Stop!" She screamed.

He couldn't stop. He knew what he was doing, but needed more from her, every last drop.

Then he heard it...the beating that had been pounding his ears was slowing.


He suddenly snapped out of it and pushed himself back off of her - panting and gasping for air, lips stained with what he'd taken from her.

He'd taken too much...

She was lying there, clinging to the area that he'd been drinking from, the blood seeping through her fingers.


"Kate!" He yelled as the servant now was there, looking horrified at Eva bleeding on the bed. "Help her, please..." He begged. "I couldn't stop..."

"We need Wanda, now!" Kate told a couple of servants who had also followed her in. They headed out to get the witch while Steve couldn't stop staring at what he'd done.

He'd almost killed her...

Kate looked at him. "She's gonna be ok". Was all she said and then kept talking to Eva.

"Kate...once Wanda has treated her, I need you to do something for me".


"Take her to Clint's - she's not safe here with me anymore. Keep her there, it's the best thing for her".

Kate looked at him sadly, but agreed. For some reason he'd attacked her mistress, and if it had been bad this time, then the next could mean that Eva would wind up dead.


Barton's farm was a farm, however within two large barns there was a blood distribution system that meant it was supplied to the city residents as well as the villages that surrounded it. Laura Barton was - as Kate had promised - lovely, and Clint simply welcoming of the human newcomer that they were now taking in.

He sat sharpening some arrowheads at the table whilst Laura poured a cup of blood each for the family, then offering Eva some water.

It had been only two days, but she was missing the mansion, the gardens...


She knew he'd not meant to hurt her, and didn't believe for a second that he'd meant to take as much blood from her as he had. It was a slip up - one of which she could see he was guilt ridden by after Wanda had helped to heal her. She'd then been brought to Clint's farm, even though she'd protested that she'd wanted to stay behind.

She wanted Steve to know she wasn't scared, or even angry. She wanted him to know it was ok.

Nat had also stopped by, seeing Eva there and raising her brow as to question why. She'd just huffed as Clint explained the situation.

"I think I'll go for a walk, please - I just need some time to think".

"Kate". Clint nodded as the dark haired girl got up.

Nat stopped her. "No, I'll go, she could get attacked or even lead us all to being killed, especially with Hydra vamps somewhere out there. No offence Kate, but I'd hold up better in a fight, you still need some training".

"None taken". Kate muttered and looked to Eva. "You gonna be ok?"

Eva nodded, even though she knew that this was the most awkward thing in the world. "Yeah...I trust Natasha's judgement".

The red head blinked in surprise but said nothing, following Eva out of the farmhouse.

The sooner this walk was over the better - she needed air, but at the same time she just wanted to walk right back into the house. Everyone was treating her delicately but she didn't want that.

She needed to talk to Steve.

"You didn't have to come with me". She said quietly to Nat.

"Yeah I did and you know it".

"I forgot you needed to keep your eyes on the human". Eva muttered a little bitterly.

Natasha just said nothing, setting the mood for the remainder of the walk. Laura was sat out on the porch waiting for them as they returned a while later. "You feel better sweetie?" She asked Eva who nodded.

"Yeah, I think I might go lie down if that's ok? Sleep for a while".

"You do that, Nat - you staying for dinner?" She asked.

Natasha shook her head and crossed her arms. "I need to get back - do me a favour and keep the human alive for all  of our sakes".

Laura chuckled at this as she sat in the rocking chair, gently moving back and forth. "Don't you worry, we'll take care of her".

"Believe me I'm not worrying". Nat replied and stuck her head in to say goodbye to Clint before she left.

From an upstairs window, Eva watched her leave and then sank down into the bed that she'd been occupying for the last couple of nights.
Her body ached, telling her to give in and sleep - and right now all she wanted was to close her eyes and wish for everything to just right itself.

But even she knew that it was never going to be that easy.

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now