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Three Months Later

He loved watching her sleep, her body entwined against his own or being held in his arms. Tonight it was the latter.

Yeah, despite everything? He'd struck lucky with his mate.

Her eyes flickered open, seeing him staring down at her. "Creep". She smirked as he leant down and kissed her.

"So I'm not allowed to admire my wife?" He asked, his free hand trailing across her stomach. "And her body?"

"You have every opportunity at every waking hour of the day to do so".

"And I choose this waking hour to do my creeping, so let me". He murmured to her as he stole another kiss.

The court were aware that the marriage had taken place, however they were yet to see the vampire lord's new wife gracing their presence. Eva didn't care for court and being amongst those who had gossiped about her. Eventually she'd join her husband's side, but for now she was content with remaining at home and serving him there in her own way.

"Have you been to see Nat yet?" She asked.

After a few days of tracking, Bucky had returned with his mate - keeping her locked away until Wanda was able to help break the control that her mind had been plagued with. They hadn't seen Bucky since he'd come back.

"No - figured I'd wait for Buck to give me the heads up when she's made progress. He won't even let Sam in to help - probably better that way. At least Yelena is there for back up though.

"Do you think she'll be ok? After all this?"

Steve shrugged. "I don't know, we'll just have to see".

"I hope that we can be friends, that I can get to know the real Nat".

"I just feel stupid for not being able to suspect anything early".

"She did everything without suspicion. You couldn't have known - it's not your fault".

He sighed. "I almost cost us the city, everyone's lives...you".

Eva rested her head against his chest. "But you didn't..."

"What if something like this happens again, we're gonna have more to protect - I can't risk that".

"Steve, you are doing all you can. Your people still trust you despite everything. Schmidt is dead. Can't we just enjoy what lies ahead for us?" She smiled lightly.

He nodded, now toying with a strand of her hair. You're right - I'm gonna enjoy every moment of savouring my wife's body and creeping on her while she sleeps". He gently moved her underneath him and kissed down her chest to her stomach - uttering familiar words into the darkness that she'd heard before.

"My wife, my mate, my love..."

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now