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She looked sensational.

Even more so in his eyes than she already did, but he'd asked for Laura's help to make a gown fit enough for a Vampire lord's equal - and she had delivered.

A lightweight gown of midnight blue and gold had been delivered the day before, along with a gold headdress shaped to look like a crown of thorns.

Now she was stood at the top of the staircase while he waited for her at the bottom. He wasn't going to get this moment back - the internal force he could feel drawing him to her, burning painfully inside. He was finding it hard to the fight the lust over the past month, especially as she was back sleeping by his side every night. Steve even found that he was also sleeping too, only for a couple of hours, but during the night.

The upside was that Evangeline's nightmares had stopped. She never woke once, never stirred. She would be there in his arms and would wake in them.

He loved watching her sleep.

"Well, fuck..." he uttered, seeing her make her way down to join him. "Wow..."

"I know, I look awful". She smirked, then admiring the usual attire of a button down shirt that showed a little chest. His jacket had some kind of pattern stitched on it. "I like this". Her fingers traced across the stitching.

"Just something I threw together" he shrugged. A complete lie as he'd been torn over whether to just stick with a black shirt or wear a purple one. He'd ended up going for purple, a decision he now no longer regretted, especially as her heart had sped up ever so slightly.

Perhaps he should just cancel court and take her back upstairs to admire her some more.

"Are you ready?" He asked and she nodded, both of them leaving to head to the city.


The cathedral looked a little intimidating uo close, however it's architecture was beautiful, the designs carved into stone and stained glass windows caught Eva's eye right away.

"They're assembled". Steve told her as they walked through the heavy double doors into the entrance, stopping as they came to the next set. Two guards stood either side and bowed their heads to Steve.

"My lord...lady". They also greeted Eva

She leant into Steve. "You might want to correct them".

He just smirked. "No, I don't think I will".

The guards opened the doors that led into the main area of the cathedral - the court standing on either side in groups amongst themselves. They bowed their heads as both Steve and Eva passed, although the odd whispers could be heard.

"That's her..."

"They say she will be his wife".

"A human wife? It's unheard of".

"I wonder what she offered for him to keep her as his own?"

"Strange how he hasn't turned her yet..."

Eva knew Steve could hear everything - however he didn't flinch at any comment or react. He simply ignored it all, and looked rather smug at the fact that they had everyone talking about them - all eyes on them.

Bucky, Sam, and Nat were all stood on the dais by a high backed throne that was obviously Steve's whenever the court came together. He sat himself down and then pulled Eva onto his lap.

"Someone give me some good news with regards to the members of the Hydra nest we've been tracking". He said out loud to the silent hall that now echoed with his words.

A dark haired man stepped forward. "We found the next but it was abandoned, only recently".

He nodded at this. "Keep on tracking it Rumlow, they can't have got that far".

Rumlow gave a stiff nod and stepped back into the group he was with.

"Any complaints about shit that isn't life threatening then see my steward". He now pointed to an older man who only kept on staring at Eva, and he seemed to dislike the fact that there was a human amongst a court of vampires. "Oh, and while we're on the subject of lives being threatened? If anyone dares to harm a hair on this woman's head? Your own will be ripped from your body - are we clear?"

The look he gave was so intimidating that even Eva could sense the fear amongst the court.

"Carry on". Steve simply waved his hand and music started up, the people going back to talking amongst themselves.  He brought his mouth to Eva's neck and dragged his teeth across her skin, his fangs leaving two red lines in their wake.

The sound of the same older man clearing his throat now made him roll his eyes. "Yes Thaddeus?"

"The court are concerned..." Thaddeus said, looking from Steve to Eva. "As to what exactly this human is to you, and whether she'll be bringing bad luck rather than good - considering she's not for consumption they just would like to know where her place is".

Steve looked annoyed. "She is mine, and her place is by my side. I'm guessing you have some objections to that?"

Thaddeus now shook his head. "Not at all - it's just that with the recent sighting of those from the Hydra nest, I'm concerned they may hear about your...whatever this human is to you".

"She is called Evangeline, not 'this human'" Steve told him, now also catching Natasha's eye. "You'll treat her with the same respect as you treat me - and as for the 'concerns', the city's security is fine. No one from the Hydra nest will be getting inside these walls".

Thaddeus just nodded and then slipped away, occasionally looking over at Steve and Eva, which made her feel just as uncomfortable as she had been around Natasha. The red head and her mate had slipped away, and Sam was busy drinking with Yelena, so it was just her and Steve left sitting together. "Honestly, I can't wait until this fucking ends".

"You're the leader, you can leave whenever you want, can't you?"

He shook his head. "Gotta show my face for a few hours before I ditch them - come and dance with me".

"I'm not much of a dancer" she admitted as he slid her from his lap and led her down to join a couple of others who were moving to the music playing.

"What a coincidence, neither am I". He said, placing one hand on her waist while taking one of hers in his other.

Once again the eyes of everyone were upon them, watching as they moved together to the music. The other couples who had been dancing had stopped and moved off to the sidelines to also watch.

Somehow, dancing with him came naturally, as though her body already knew how to move in rhythm with his. Lastly, he dipped her down low, his eyes staring into her own - his expression was unreadable though? Like even he was trying to figure out a puzzle in his mind.

"Steve?" She frowned as he pulled her back up, the court clapping around them.

Eva couldn't see anyone else in the room but him, the noise filtering out until it was just silence. Pure silence.

Time had slowed for goodness knows how long until she came crashing back to reality, and to the sounds of the court and the music.

Now she realised his eyes were red. He was struggling with himself, she could sense it. He needed to feed. "Steve? Are you ok? Do you need blood?"

He blinked a few times before Kate appeared. Tbh is side. "Take her home - quickly". He said, almost pained.

"What? Steve? What's happening".

"Take her now!" He growled to Kate and then moved away from the pair.

Eva looked to Kate who now pulled her through the room and out of the cathedral. "What did I do?"

"Nothing, it's ok, he's trying to protect you, but this is the worst I've seen him when he needs to feed. He doesn't want to hurt you".

"He wouldn't!"

Kate looked to her. "He would, and if he did then he wouldn't forgive himself, now let's get back home".

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now