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His thirst had worn off straight away once he'd had a taste of her, and that was something that had never happened to Steve Rogers in the centuries that he'd walked the earth in his current state. It had confused him at first, but once he'd got past that he had realised exactly what had happened.

From the first taste he knew.

But how the fuck was this even possible? He knew that it was but had never heard of it before - it wasn't common. Perhaps somewhere there was a similar case, but this? No. He needed to turn his attention to this and this alone, because on the first taste of Evangeline's blood, he'd felt everything fall into place.

She was his mate.

A human. A mortal was his mate. And in the long run? That wasn't a good thing - in fact it was more problematic. For a start she was, well, her. He wouldn't wish his kind of life on her. They'd always be connected, there was no way out of it.

But she wouldn't know unless he turned her...

Ok, maybe there was some kind of loophole. He could live his life knowing she was his mate without having to tell her or anyone else. He could lie through his teeth and just say that she hadn't appeared to him.

That seemed like a good plan. She wouldn't have to be turned and live this way, and he'd just endure the never-ending pull to her that mates had.

But then it could consume him...

The yearning, the wanting. It could possibly send him mad through the carnal lust that he'd spoken of. Even now he could feel it within him, restless. The thought of her alone was making his head spin, pound even. Her heartbeat that was always present in his hearing was more defined. Louder. Calling out to him.

Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

He needed to get out of the house for a while, take a walk. The only people who would probably be able to help him figure this out were Bucky and Sam - perhaps Nat at a stretch, but even then her only answer would be that he should turn Eva to avoid any kind of danger that he was already imposing on the court and the city itself.

It was the plausible answer, but he just didn't want that for her. Sure she had questions and wanted to know more about the lifestyle, which he was happy to answer and show her at a stretch, but it just wasn't as simple as turning her and then carrying on with their lives. She would need help to navigate it. She'd be thirsty all the time until she learnt control, and that differed from person to person. Some of the newly turned would never be able to, and then it would lead to problems.

Ones he'd need to personally rectify in a certain way...

He couldn't have that. He couldn't risk it all. She was safer as a human, but for him? He'd need to just find ways around the lust.

It seemed there was no answer. Nothing was coming to him that could remotely get him out of this situation.

Out. He needed to leave.

Heading out of his room he made his way down the stairs and out of the door, making his way towards the city which was on the outskirts of the forest. Sure it had a bad rep with humans, and other beings alike - but that was what kept them away, and his people safe.

Bucky lived in a townhouse along with Nat - considering the pair were mated. He also had the misfortune (in his words) of inheriting her step sister Yelena in the process, and as a result the pair were usually locked in a sparring of words which the blonde would usually win - much to his disgust.

Walking in, his friend was currently embroiled in a game of cards with Sam, the pair looking up as he entered. "Do what do we owe the pleasure oh fearsome leader?" Sam smirked, then putting another card down on the table

Bucky noticed the look on Steve's face. "You need a drink?"

"No...no not thirsty" He said, walking in and closing the door. "Is Nat here?"

"No, she's out with Yelena at Barton's farm, why?"

"Good...because she's not gonna like what she's about to hear".

At this point Sam put the cards down altogether. "Are we?"

"I don't know". Steve replied and began pacing once more to soothe the niggling irritation of lust he was feeling. "I've found her?"

"Found who?" Bucky asked, looking more concerned now. He'd never seen his friend this way, not in all the time he'd known him, both human and current.

"My mate".

Bucky slammed his cards down and grinned at Sam. "I told you it was Carter! You owe me-" He was cut off by Steve.

"It's not Peggy fucking Carter, geez if it was then I'd sooner have you snap my neck and put me outta my misery".

Sam sat back and beckoned to Bucky. "Cough up soldier, I wanna see that sweet sweeeeeeeet money".

A disgruntled Bucky got out his money and began to count it out for Sam. "Ok, so not to divert from the situation, but are you gonna tell us who...it..." His words slowed as he began to realise just who the woman in question was. "No fucking way, that's not even possible is it?"

"I didn't think it was, but apparently it is".

"A human mate, oh shiiiiit that's asking for trouble straight up". Bucky shook his head slowly in amusement. "And she's pretty much your housemate! It's fate!"

"Don't fucking talk to me about fate. I took her in to protect her and now look what's happened!"

"Just turn her". Bucky waved it off. "It'll solve this shit straight away".

"And you know the risks, we had enough worry with Peter - this is why we don't turn them as much as we did before".

Sam sighed. "So what are you gonna do? You can't keep it from her, plus if you're walking around with a permanent boner then she's gonna know something's up".

Steve looked at him, unimpressed. "Very funny, but I'm serious. I don't know what to do".

Bucky looked at him and smiled weakly. "Only you can decide that. She's your mate and that means a hell of a lot, but we can't exactly tell you what to do when it comes to love..."

"I don't...I...fuck I think I'm gonna be needing that drink". He said, giving in and hoping that it would just make everything go away.

Getting up, Sam headed for the kitchen cheerfully - even if Steve felt anything but that. "Three drinks coming right up".

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now