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Evangeline woke to an array of food set at the table along with juice, tea, and even the most velvety hot chocolate with light cream. She had lived fairly comfortable before, but this? This was extravagance.  

"There's enough here to feed an army". She commented to Kate who helped her to dress. No more tight corsets that would break her ribs - these dresses? They were like perfection. Light and flowy, made from the finest of fabrics and silks. No more heavy skirts to weigh her down like a prisoner.

"He didn't know what you'd like, so he told me to lay out a bit of everything". The servant admitted about her master.

Eva sat down and looked at Kate. "Will he join me?" after all there was enough here for more than two.

Kate shook her head at this. "No. He usually eats in his room".

"Oh...what about lunch and dinner?"

"The same. Unless it's a special occasion with guests. Then obviously like last night he'll eat with them in the dining room".

Eva stared down at her plate. "It's a wonder he hasn't been lonely. I know he has servants and friends but, does he see them often?"

Kate shrugged. "When he chooses or when the court is gathered which isn't too often either", and began to put some food onto the plate. "Tea? Hot chocolate?"

"It's fine, I can pour myself some". She smiled and filled the cup with thick chocolate, then scooping a small spoonful of cream into it, watching as it melted to create a more creamier texture. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer, but does blood taste different with each person?"

The servant nodded on this - happy to tell her anything that she wanted to know. "It can do. I always say that if the person's not a person with good intentions, then it tastes bitter. There are people who survive purely just by being blood donors. That's just their income and they depend on it, but it's dangerous. One person was found the other month and there was barely any left in him. But they know the risks and he must have been desperate. Thing is it's good money so more and more are choosing to do it".

"What about animals? Could you survive off them?"

"Of course, ok, we do eat so that helps - but human blood will always give us more energy". Picking up some laundry, Kate threw it into a basket and rested it on her hip. "I'll get these clean, enjoy your breakfast".

Eva looked at all things laid on the table and then looked around the room. Now talking out loud to herself. "Steve? I know you can hear me - but...erm, well if you're awake, would you like to have breakfast with me? I can't exactly eat all of this by myself and I'll feel guilty if most of it went to waste...plus I don't have a big appetite still..."

There was a knock on the door and it opened, Steve then walking in. "You called?"

She nodded. "I wasn't sure you'd come, or even listen. I'm sure you have better things to do...vampire lordy stuff..."

"Vampire. Lordy. Stuff". He repeated her words slowly. "Well, I'm kinda full - ate earlier, but some tea and fruit wouldn't hurt to wash it down with".

"Oh, sorry - I didn't realise you have different meal times".

"I don't, but last night I had to make an exception..." he said more to himself and set himself down opposite her, feeling her eyes on him. "You want to know don't you". He simply stated.

Eva shook her head. "Your business isn't exactly any of mine. Why should it be? Plus I probably wouldn't understand".

Oh he was pretty sure that she would. Well, he have liked to have thought that she understood his actions that he took last night. If he told her that was, and right now wasn't the time. Her calmness and apparent acceptance wouldn't last long. Soon she'd realise just what the situation was once she'd got over the shock of yesterday - and then she'd most likely go through some kind of grief stage.

He wasn't used to crying women. Well, in the bedroom and obviously crying in a good way he was, but not the way that she would be. He made a mental note to ensure Kate dealt with any kind of emotional issues that Eva was feeling.

"You probably wouldn't". He agreed and popped a grape into his mouth. "Best you don't involve yourself either. If I want you to see certain things and aspects of our lifestyle - then I will".

"Am I allowed out?" She now asked

He shook his head. "Just the gardens - if you ventured into the city then you'd need someone with you. You can understand why".

"People would think I was lunch then". She shrugged and sipped at the molten chocolate that felt glorious against the back of her throat. "This is...unlike anything I have tasted".

"I'll have Kate bring you some every morning". He said, picking up another grape and studying it.

She began to protest. "I wouldn't want her to go out of her way".

Steve toyed with the grape between his fingers. "It's her job, and it seems to make you happy. Wouldn't want you moving around the place".

She scowled a little. "I do not mope".

"You will". He shrugged. "Your parents don't care about anything other than marrying you off, and now have left you in my hands. You're having to now spend the rest of your days with a vampire- once it all sinks in then trust me, you'll be moping".

"And what will you do?"

He shrugged. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it".

"Well, this is certainly the conversation that I wanted to have this morning". Eva muttered into her cup and finished the hot chocolate, only eating some fruit as she couldn't really stomach anything else.

Steve listened for a moment and then stood up. "I have some guests I need to speak to - go outside, enjoy the sun". 

"Let me guess, you can't". 

He snorted. "Old wives tale. I can tolerate it but only for so long. I'm not about to turn to dust if the light touches me". 

"Enjoy your...meeting, gathering - whatever it is". She brushed it off and sat back, wondering what to do with her day and the ones that followed. Perhaps she'd hide away in the library if she was allowed, and then maybe ask Kate whether she could go with her to the city or something. 

Either way, today was the first day of a new life - and one that she would just have to come to terms with, no matter how hard the grief would hit. 

Blood Lust (Vampire!Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now